Author Thread: Premarital Kissing?

Premarital Kissing?
Posted : 19 Jun, 2012 09:35 PM

Is kissing an evidence of lust? or it is a form of sexual sin? should dating Christians kiss( I mean romantic kiss) before marriage?....Ah, i know that this is perhaps a very crazy topic but it is something that happens and is probably ignored.

I really would like to Know if this is right or wrong.

What do you say?

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Premarital Kissing?
Posted : 19 Jun, 2012 10:58 PM

I say no kissing before marriage. Why would you go kissing a bunch of frogs before your prince? A husbands body is his wifes and a wifes her husband.

4 The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. In the same way, the husband does not have authority over his own body but yields it to his wife.1Corthinthians 7:4

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Premarital Kissing?
Posted : 20 Jun, 2012 02:12 PM

Every kiss is not inappropriate and lustful. Some kiss are and many people fall into doing that.

A kiss can be on the cheek or on the mouth with you lips closed not open mouth kissing or tongue kissing. lol

I would not want to marry any man before I kissed him. I think a kiss is important when courting some one for marriage.


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Premarital Kissing?
Posted : 21 Jun, 2012 02:42 PM

This is one of those topics that I'm sort of torn on. Lustful, passionate, lengthy, etc. kissing is wrong before marriage. It will only lead the couple to wanting "more," and since "more" needs to wait until marriage, that sort of kissing has no place prior to marriage. I don't think that all romantic kissing is wrong, though. Each couple needs to decide what works for them, and what is "too much."

Personally, I will be willing to kiss once I'm engaged, as long as they are brief kisses that aren't overly passionate. Why do I feel this way? Because I think I would have a really hard time going from "nothing" to "everything" within a few short hours on my wedding day/night. However, if it's important to my fiance that we not kiss before the wedding, I would respect that.

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Premarital Kissing?
Posted : 22 Jun, 2012 06:40 AM

Kissing is awesome.

Kissing isn't sex.

Kiss away, kids. Kiss away.

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Premarital Kissing?
Posted : 24 Jun, 2012 03:37 AM

@godsgirl: Hahaha:ROFL:

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Premarital Kissing?
Posted : 30 Jun, 2012 06:03 PM

Kissing is wonderful indeed but not without its dangers...

However to advertise kissing as a sick, unholy act of lust, just because it is done premarital... I think this is wrong linking.

The dangers of kissing are not in being premarital; they are in being inmature.

A mature christian knows the difference between lust and love and will not seek nor invite the lusty path during kissing.

As to the dangers....When a person kisses with the hands (or starts to do so).... that is usually a sign.

my 2 cents


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Premarital Kissing?
Posted : 10 May, 2014 03:50 PM

there should be no kissing. God made us to only have these types of thoughts about one other person. when we are with several different people before marriage is when we begin to think about more then one person.

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Premarital Kissing?
Posted : 5 Aug, 2015 05:26 AM

Im a Christian-Catholic.....

Kissing is not bad but has its limitations.

If kiss on a hand or forehead

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