Author Thread: I am Sorry

I am Sorry
Posted : 12 May, 2012 08:58 PM

I have found lately that I offend people in some way or another. To those offended by my looks, I am sorry I can't fit into single number clothes like you. For the men who don't see beauty when they look at me, I am sorry you can't see past the fact I don't fit the model type. I am sorry to those who are offended by my faith. I believe in a God that is the Old AND New testement. He is not a new God, but makes us new through His Grace He has given us. I am sorry to those I offend by how I dress in church. I don't dress like I am going to the country club every time I enter a church. To those offended by my friends, sorry I don't hang with other country member church goers. Jesus chilled with the lowest of low according to their society, so should He be looked down upon too? And to those that are offended by what I have just written, I don't think I can apologize. I may not be perfect, but I have a God who is. His love for me is perfect. Don't we all wish we could have just an ounce of the love for others as He has for us?

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I am Sorry
Posted : 14 May, 2012 12:07 PM

{His love for me is perfect. Don't we all wish we could have just an ounce of the love for others as He has for us? }



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I am Sorry
Posted : 15 May, 2012 08:23 PM

There is no reason to apologize for how God made you. We are ade special in HS eyes, He doesn't make mistakes or junk. Those who don't accept you or are mean to you over looks are not following the golden rule. They are not worthy of you. We are all made in Hia image.

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I am Sorry
Posted : 25 May, 2012 08:31 PM

Sam_ I used to feel like that. I would think what's wrong with me why am I not excepted. Now I know that God love me and he made me the way I am. I think now What's wrong with them?

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I am Sorry
Posted : 3 Jun, 2012 07:46 AM

"I don't think I can apologize."

Well, the title of your post is "I am sorry," so... you kind of already did.

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I am Sorry
Posted : 6 Jun, 2012 09:23 PM

I'm not sure that I would have her apologise for saying what she sincerely believes, or for simply apologising. That's just how I roll.

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I am Sorry
Posted : 1 Jul, 2012 09:46 AM

As a woman who is not the society standard (sadly even Christians fall into this) of what one should look like I understand what your saying.

As a 50 year old woman now I realize that God has a man for me in his time who will see me as beautiful because Jesus put that in his heart...

As for the rest of those Christian men and women who only like the worldly people look to the outside exterior well that is between them and God....

Keep faith and focus on things that really matter and in time God will bring that man to you and the rest don't matter for your life at all!!

We do not get our value by our appearance or our career success or as a good parent or anything else... God gives us value because of Christ.

Marry Jesus first and fall in love with him - you are his beautiful bride called to honor and worship your King of Kings - You are a princess!!!!!!

I will be praying for you little sis in the Lord,


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