Author Thread: What is Purity?�

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What is Purity?�
Posted : 4 May, 2012 07:44 PM

What is Purity?� That seems to be a huge question these days! And what started out as a Jonas Brothers fansite has turned into a global ministry: Keeping the Promise. It has been so amazing to see the Lord at work through this site, and the lives that have been changed through the words He has spoken through my writings. This is just the beginning!

I�d like to share with you about what purity means to me:

The ring stands for purity, the purity that is acknowledged through the ring is, sexual purity. (Saving yourself physically until marriage and only for your spouse) The ring is a sign of commitment, the sign and reminder that God has set aside one man for me and I am saving my love, thoughts and sweet embrace for that one man, and only him, no one else. Even before, �I do,� is said, my body is solely for him. He does not have the right to me until marriage, but I�m still only his. I am looking forward with joy to the day I will have the right to take my beloved in my arms and never let him go till death.

A pure marriage is such a beautiful thing, but most people these days believe that purity is now impossible. It is said that our grandparents and maybe even our parents made it to the altar pure, but that was yesterday. Today it�s a dream that can never come true. My friends, that is a lie from the devil himself! The father of ALL lies! The reason purity seems �Impossible,� these days is because of these problems: 1. Forgetting the chore. 2. Willingness to compromise.

Everyone is seeking their own strength to stay pure, but the core of purity is not strength of self, but in God. Purity isn�t a �good person� thing to do; purity is required by God in his word, and only HE can get you though the struggle and fight for purity.

Hebrews 13:4 Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous.

That is only one of the verses of purity, and it states very clearly what God requires, a pure marriage bed. Sex before marriage does not provide a pure marriage bed, it destroys it.

The other thing is: compromise. Dating grants many rights such as kissing, and even if you are planning to not have sex, kissing may still give you ideas that lead you in the wrong direction.

If you kiss someone in true love, you will feel something which will send you in a direction that if you are not married, you shouldn�t go in. If you kiss someone and you don�t feel anything, then obviously there is no real love involved so you shouldn�t be kissing the person in the first place. When it all boils down, I don�t think you should even kiss till marriage either, because it�s compromise, allowing just a little bit more and a little bit more to be OK, lying to yourself that it�s alright, and then hitting the bottom like a rock sinking into the ocean. Don�t forget, rocks can�t swim. You fall part way, it�s pretty certain you�re going to fall all the way.

Matthew 28:20 [Jesus said] �I am with you always, to the end of the age.�

Go ahead and share your stories!

What are your feelings on purity? How has God helped you through this fight? E-mail me at that inhisstpes20@gmail

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What is Purity?�
Posted : 12 May, 2012 08:22 AM

my comprehension of purity is one who's heart knows neither good or bad,and is never offended....

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