Author Thread: Is this how chrildren of God should act?

Is this how chrildren of God should act?
Posted : 11 Apr, 2012 07:16 AM

Recently, I have been very put off by how many users in the chat rooms insult us using humor as a weapon about our relationship. Using course jesting to stab at us and try to find fault with our relationship in stead of exhorting and edifying us in our journey forward in what we believe is the will of God for us. Princesalomon has when I am not with her in the room been more than disrepectful to her about our relationship. Also someone who I considered a friend went WAY overboard about her "concern" about my safety. She was obviously insulting my sweetheart by not even acknowleging her in the room. I am just so very comcerned for the body of Christ these days. Many of us feel it is OK to point the finger, speak word that accuse and teardown rather than edify and build up.

I do pray that we may be able to find common ground at every turn regardless of our "OWN" ideas about another.

Much love to all, we have decided to presently deactivate our that we no longer are attacked by those who call "themselves" by our Lord's name.

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Is this how chrildren of God should act?
Posted : 11 Apr, 2012 10:54 AM

Although this CDFF is to be Christian site...many here use the "Christian" title loosely while actions and words deliberatly hurt more than exhort and edify the brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus...this is a Fallen and Broken World we live in...we can Pray for the HolySpirit to IN-Lighten those that are Cruel to others...

Ima truely saddend to hear this kina poo still goes on in the Chat still goes on in the Biblical Discussion section also...and to answer your question...NO!!! is not how children of GOD should act...

The best of GOD's blessings to you and yours on the continued journey with the LORD Jesus...xo

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Is this how chrildren of God should act?
Posted : 12 Apr, 2012 09:27 AM

What on earth are you talking about?

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Is this how chrildren of God should act?
Posted : 14 Apr, 2012 04:00 PM

I too find it extremely ironic that even though this is a site for Christians and dating, that it is the last place I would look to for love or compassion. And more and more I find I just have no time for it.

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