Author Thread: How modest is modest?

How modest is modest?
Posted : 15 Mar, 2012 03:53 PM

"Like wise also that women should adorn themeselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness-with good works. 1 Timothy 2:9-10"

I have some questions about modesty. I agree with it 100% that we should be modest. I'd like to get other Christians oppinions. I mean really there are so many different definitions of modesty. My first question is, why is it that most of the bible verses containing to modesty are directed towards women? Is it not important for men to be modest too? My second question is how modest is modest? In some cultures, women can only show their eyes and hands, but in others its acceptible to only cover up the main areas. I'm trying to find a good medium that is pleasing to the Lord, but still modern. My third question, is it totally wrong to wear jewelry? Even if its a cross necklace? Please be nice when you respond! I'm just asking questions! Don't bash me and tell me all the things I'm doing wrong! We're all Christians here, we"re supposed to be loving and supportive! Thank you, and God Bless you!

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How modest is modest?
Posted : 15 Mar, 2012 07:46 PM

Hi Cowchic, I think modesty seem to have been directed towards women only in the bible because the society was more patriarchal. How modest is modest? I think it depends on cultures again,yet any culture and any correct moral conscience ought to realise that revealing more than needed is not being very modest. I belong to a mixed culture where on one hand women are expected not to show their face especially to men, and on the other hand where I was brought up one can really dress to please yourself. So finally modesty is all about how you carry yourself and not what you wear definitely. Also, I feel modesty has a lot to do with body language as in the end its all about the body. Now Jewellery- Wearing Jewellery is very biblical I think as long as we are not obsessed with it and let it all become your idol. Hope it helps to some extent:) Best wishes,prayers and blessings TF. PS: CELEBRATE THE WOMAN YOU ARE (PROVERBS 31).

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How modest is modest?
Posted : 11 Apr, 2012 09:02 PM

Modest to me means that a person should not dress or look a way that causes other people to think sinful thoughts. Women's clothing these days is totally immodest. Low cut shirts that show cleavage, mini skirts, bikinis, and other clothes are immodest. As for men, I don't think men should go topless in public. I even wear a shirt when I swim.

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How modest is modest?
Posted : 12 Apr, 2012 01:13 AM

wow.. very well said! :applause:

hmm.. and I believe this change and conviction should primarily start from the heart- inside and out. :angel:

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How modest is modest?
Posted : 18 Apr, 2012 06:23 AM

Modest to me is that guys need to learn to control themselves and not place the burden of responsibility for their sin on women.

That said, yes, I do believe it's cultural. And I believe it means something other than the clothing one chooses to wear. Wear your shorts and tank tops if you want, because that isn't really the point, is it?

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How modest is modest?
Posted : 22 Apr, 2012 09:52 PM

Cowchic, remember God made men and women very different. Think of it this way; men are more sensitive to sight and women more so to touch. This could very well explain one reason why He spoke more so to women about this issue. Another very well could be God already knew it would happen. The Bible is very clear that God knows all; even if you think it is hidden. Remember we are His "daughters" and if we think about how our earthly fathers love us and protect us, we can only imagine how much God loves us. As for your second question; I would not look to culture to answer that question. Remember in the countries where they are not allowed to show anything but their eyes is not because of religious reasons I assure you. Just ask yourself "Would I wear this looking up my Lords face?" If not chances are it's not modest. There's nothing wrong in wanting to feel pretty; just learn how to balance the two. Like do women really need to wear mini skirts and low cut tops? No, not unless they are attempting to gain attention to what God gave them. It is very easy to say "Well don't look if you don't like what I'm wearing." I assure you it does not work that way. We are all self-accountable for our actions. If a man looks upon us in a sinful way due to our dress; we are both guilty! If you are dressed modest and he looks at you in a sinful manner; that is his sin to carry not yours. Jewelry is fine!! Again, just be modest about it, don't over do it and make it the center of your wardrobe lol. Ie people wearing 10 gold chains, oh my.

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How modest is modest?
Posted : 25 Apr, 2012 09:27 PM

in this neighborhood a nun wears a habit and a prostitute wears high heels,miniskirt,tank top. so what i think the writer is saying is dress in a way You desire to be treated,remembering not to dress to flashy as to cause Your sisters to envy,yet not dressing to lowly as to bring rebuke.

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