Author Thread: so nasty... in a christian site!

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so nasty... in a christian site!
Posted : 9 Mar, 2012 10:56 PM

I find it to be morally offensive to receive obscene instant messages from guys registered in this site...a number of them had already been banned as what i noticed..but this kind of circumstance keeps rolling on my mind; how evil the mind of man is this days... to be so bold and inane..... that is very unbecoming if one is truly a born again the ones whom i encountered had claimed to be.

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so nasty... in a christian site!
Posted : 24 Mar, 2012 07:13 AM

I don't disagree there are many men and women out there who say that they are something but are not. Then there are some guys who don't feel confident with themselves so they do that to try and feel better but it just works against them. That's why we need to pray for our soul mate and that God leads us to that person who ever they may be at the right time at the right place.

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so nasty... in a christian site!
Posted : 27 May, 2012 06:48 AM

True faith is evidenced by works--those boys are not Christians. They are pretenders/hypocrites. Hate to say it, but unless they repent--the Bible says they will burn with a lot more than lust on judgement day.

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so nasty... in a christian site!
Posted : 30 May, 2012 01:06 PM

I agree,

One day God will divide out the sheep and the goats, the wheat and the chaff. Satin and his followers are roaming around seeking who they might devour.

In my experience their are many pure virgin christian ladies here in this site. The savage man would want to devour her and take the most beautiful thing she has next to the respect she will give to her man one day.

Her purity, If man can not not wait to recieve the gift of your purity one day then he is not worthy of you. Men need to protect women. Even from their own desires.

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