Author Thread: To desire the GODLY????

To desire the GODLY????
Posted : 9 Feb, 2012 08:28 PM

Seems like many men and women are struggling to find the Christian characteristics they desire in the opposite sex. Unfortunate as it is, many "Christians" have relaxed their standards on the type of company they keep. Amos3:3 "how can two walk together except they be agreed." Just because we're "alone" or "lonely" doesn't mean we have to put aside what we believe, so that we can be with someone. Stand firm in what you know is right.

Just saying we don't have to compromise. God is faithful. No more unhealthy relationships with people who don't live to please Papa!

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To desire the GODLY????
Posted : 11 Mar, 2012 07:49 PM

i absolutely agree tho it is hard to find someone with standards as high as yours or mine but, also i want to add

you should know why you have each and every one of those standards, because only you will be the one accountable for you.

and i also would like to say that in this world of low standards it is so easy to be judged and labeled as a Hippocratic for not being associated with the crowd that is led by what every one else feels is OK.

but we as the strong should always be kind and though we don't have to but to take time to understand others when you feal that their hearts are in the right place. and maby add a little thought that will broaden their minds to see from gods view and not ever in a selfish, carnal, or prideful way.

and if you have a comment or something to add or ask go ahead, this is my first blog or response to one.. so let me know if it is a help.

ok thanks again.

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