Author Thread: Why Do Roman Catholic Women...

Why Do Roman Catholic Women...
Posted : 28 Jan, 2012 04:55 PM

Why Do Roman Catholic Women, who profess to be strong in their Roman Catholic faith, and in light of what the Roman Catholic Catechism states in sections 1633-1636, insist on initiating contact with NON-Roman Catholics?

I have my differences with the denomination that would make marriage to a Roman Catholic very difficult. Yet, it's not uncommon for RC women to contact me. I shouldn't be getting contacted by Roman Catholic women to start with.


Non-Roman Catholics reading this thread and thinking about denomination bashing should move along.

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Why Do Roman Catholic Women...
Posted : 22 Apr, 2012 10:56 PM

Well, it goes both ways I have Roman Catholic Men , who respond to my profile all the time and It is confusing because Im pentecostal . I would never marry who is unequally yoked .

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Why Do Roman Catholic Women...
Posted : 22 Apr, 2012 10:57 PM

I mean someone who is unequally yoked

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Why Do Roman Catholic Women...
Posted : 25 Apr, 2012 03:42 PM

First of all it is not prohibited by the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church; but a Roman Catholic person needs to receive permission from their priest, who needs to receive permission from his bishop before a marriage can take place, if the Protestant person has been baptized. The concern that the Catholic Church has is that of the effect of such unions on the Catholic spouse and any children resulting from the marriage.

Secondly, you are probably getting inquiries from Catholic women; because there are more Protestants on these websites than Catholic or Orthodox Christians. I would suspect that Roman Catholics would prefer first to marry another Roman Catholic, then an Orthodox Christian, and then a Protestant. As a former Charismatic Protestant who is now Orthodox, I can testify that it is often difficult to find other Orthodox Christians from which to choose a potential marriage partner from due to the smaller number of Orthodox Christians in the United States. My first preference is an Orthodox woman followed by a Roman Catholic woman, and finally by a Protestant woman. So what you are experiencing is a matter of economy.

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Why Do Roman Catholic Women...
Posted : 6 Jun, 2012 10:36 PM

A Protestant here! I won't pretend that I know much about official Roman Catholic church doctrine, so I don't think I can help answer your question :dunce:. But I wonder, how do you respond to single (Roman) Catholic women, when one shows interest in you?

I'll share first... I've got the idea that there is an HUGE spectrum of belief amongst people who call themselves Catholics; that there are even those whom I would call Christians (a possibly wrong idea I got from Ray Galea's "Nothing in my Hand I Bring"). So I like to think that I'd respond person-by-person - you know, getting to know them, what Jesus means to them personally, what that looks like in their lives, that kind of stuff - like I've done with other single women who call themselves Protestants.

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Why Do Roman Catholic Women...
Posted : 19 Dec, 2012 11:41 PM

I hate to answer a question by asking one but..

I am Roman Catholic so why does every Baptist on this site make contact with me?

I told my father this. He said it may be my overly conservative values. A lot of Christians are liberal anymore. So they (the Baptists) figure I am more their type and might just convert and become a Baptist.

Not gonna happen. Been there, done that.

So could it be you are attracting these women because you are conservative in your beliefs? Are you strongly pro life? Pro family? Maybe you are looking at this wrong a wrong angle.

Just saying..

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