Author Thread: Spreading the Good News in 2012

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Spreading the Good News in 2012
Posted : 8 Jan, 2012 10:09 PM

LEN'S LINES ---A Little Religion On A Positive Note Bu Len Granger

Spreading the Good News

Well, with God's Grace we made it to the New year. What a wonderful feeling, with all the peace, comfort and strength our loving Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has provided us to face the world each day.

You may be wondering who this old man is that writes this religious column each week? Does he walk the walk or just talk the talk? I wonder the same as I try to walk in the footsteps of our Lord and Savior. However, we as Christians all fail in our daily lives but our Lord Jesus Christ picks us up and carries us through the rough times. He says in Hebrews: Chapter 13, Verse 5 "I will never leave you nor forsake you." and Verse 6, "So we may boldly say, "The Lord is my helper; I will not fear, What can man do to me." What a wonderful assurance of salvation, if we only put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ and live by faith.

Our Lord has given each of us a talent by which we can serve him and spread the Good News to the Lost, Lonely and Rejected in this world. It may be as a servant of the God serving in full time service as a Preacher, Priest or a Missionary, or maybe serving him as a Sunday School teacher or in the Choir. There are so many ways to serve as we pray for the Lord's direction and turn our life over to him.

Some wonder why I do not have my picture as part of the column heading to identify me as the writer? I want to give the Lord all the glory and credit, as he tells me what to write each week. and I am just trying to be his humble servant. Yes, the writer could be any Christian man, who has given his life to the Lord and wants him to be first in his life. You may see him anywhere, at the Post office, in the local store, attending a church service, Mass or prayer meeting and this could be the writer?

As we look at our lives, do we reflect the way our Lord wants us to live each day? Are we an example to those around us, helping and serving those in need of encouragement? Are we only Sunday Christians and blend into the sinful world the rest of the week so as not to be noticed?

We can help by tilling the soil, planting the seed, and our loving and most gracious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be there to bring in the harvest . Let us this New Year reach out to those around us and try, as best as we can, to offer prayer, material help, and spiritual guidance using our God given abilities he has provided his believers.

Pray this Sunday we will all be in the church of our choice worshiping and praising our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. God Bless America

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