Author Thread: Christian women love evil men... what the heck!? (Christian men aren't much better on the large)

Christian women love evil men... what the heck!? (Christian men aren't much better on the large)
Posted : 28 Dec, 2011 01:30 PM

Being a good man just isn't good enough. What christian women want is a guy who sleeps around, lies, gets drunk, and dose drugs. You women are all the same, you're ok with being with a evil man just so long as he has a "cool" job or drives a nice car.

Also, if you are writing to rebuttal and you are a single mother who is (NOT) a widow... Well were is the father of you're kids mmm? Left you did he? Yeah, my point.

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Christian women love evil men... what the heck!? (Christian men aren't much better on the large)
Posted : 29 Dec, 2011 04:12 PM

Being a good man just isn't good enough. What christian women want is a guy who sleeps around, lies, gets drunk, and dose drugs. You women are all the same, you're ok with being with a evil man just so long as he has a "cool" job or drives a nice car.

*** Being a Good Man isn't about being Good Enough...its about being a Good Man of GOD and Doing the Best you can with what you got and Depending on GOD to Lead ya along the Path...Ifin you really believe Christian women want a Bad Man...then...maybe the women you are referring to are Not really "Christian"...:rolleyes:...Many people use the Title Christian loosely...As for the Cool Job and Car...I could care less about what "Things" a man has...I care more about who he is and who's he is...meaning Christ Jesus child...and you are Right about men aren't much better...Heck...Everyone has just takes time to sort through em (the issues) and get to figerin out ifin the person is Really who they say they are...People can be Anyone on these types of sites...Hang in there Kido...Jesus has it "Covered"...

Also, if you are writing to rebuttal and you are a single mother who is (NOT) a widow... Well were is the father of you're kids mmm? Left you did he? Yeah, my point.

*** No comment...I dont have kids...just critters...guess ima jus an Elly May Hill Billy...:goofball:...xo

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Christian women love evil men... what the heck!? (Christian men aren't much better on the large)
Posted : 6 Jan, 2012 09:20 PM

To many Christians are just Sunday Christians and live a sinful life the rest of the week, so as not to be noticed.

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Christian women love evil men... what the heck!? (Christian men aren't much better on the large)
Posted : 9 Jan, 2012 06:51 PM

I am not trying to go off topic here nor cause any confusion fo anyone. I say everything with the utmost respect for everyone here.:angel:

What I am about to say is based on my opinion and my experience ok. It is NOT ment for harm or to hurt anyones feelings.

To answer the question

Christian women love evil men... what the heck!? (Christian men aren't much better on the large)

This is what I have to say.

There was a few reason why I went out with worldly men.

1. There was NO christian single men where I was. They were either married with children, divorced with children, or just plain divorced.

2. The christian men that I have met as FRIENDS seem to be worse then the worldy guys I have dated in the past.

Here is an exmple of what I am talking about.

From my own observation IN MY OPINION: The "christian men" I have spoken with as friends, just wanted sex like the worldly guys do before marraige. And they call themselves christian.

Why would I want a christian man like that. I would not.

The difference between a "christian guy" and a worldly guy is: Christian guys talk about Jesus and the worldy guys don't.

For your information I am new to this sort of thing. I never ever had a "christian boyfriend" in my life. I only dated worldy men.

However I want to do what is right in GOD's eyes. I want a "christian boyfriend" that will be my Godly Husband that put JESUS first in his life. That is why I came to this site.

If I OFFENDED anyone here I gracefully apologize to all of you.:angel:

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Christian women love evil men... what the heck!? (Christian men aren't much better on the large)
Posted : 18 Jan, 2012 01:33 PM

i know many good christian women who prove this post wrong.

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Christian women love evil men... what the heck!? (Christian men aren't much better on the large)
Posted : 25 Jan, 2012 07:26 PM

It is really hard to find a nice, decent man with christian values! Which is why I am on this site I guess.

In my experience, I settle every time for someone who "seems" like a christian with good values only to find out they are only acting that way to be in the relationship. It is a drag. I can't tell you how many men have done this.

I guess what I'm saying is that it can go both ways. I agree that most women are attracted to, let's say, a more "dangerous" man. It's called human nature, I could list things men do too.

I wouldn't worry about it though they all find out the novelty most definitely wears off sooner or later.

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Christian women love evil men... what the heck!? (Christian men aren't much better on the large)
Posted : 7 Feb, 2012 09:52 AM

it appears that the Ladie's desire a UPSTANDING Man??? in this day and age,media,social acceptance,peer's desire that a fella be UPSTANDING both in matters of the world AND matters of faith?

for example,,, solid prayer life AND solid income,

awaiting a nice home in Heaven AND having a nice home in earth.

good report in heaven AND good report on earth...

profitable career AND profitable ministry....

humbly walking with the LORD aND driving a nice car....

seems double minded???

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Christian women love evil men... what the heck!? (Christian men aren't much better on the large)
Posted : 8 Feb, 2012 05:37 AM


Gives a simple an idea,refer to matthew 24.many humankind will

destroy by satan.Our secret weapon prayer to god,only god jesus his name got power.amen

He coming very soon,if not soon many will not survive.

That is temptation,eve ate the fruit,adam was...

Our prayer god hear,amen


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Christian women love evil men... what the heck!? (Christian men aren't much better on the large)
Posted : 15 Dec, 2012 05:25 AM

By God's dictate. He will not for any reason change his Words for man kind, Be it on ground of your convenience or otherwise. God's commands to us (which does not hurt us) is unflipping, unflinching, unchanging and unrepenting! He said in 2Cor 6:14 King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) - "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?"... That is what we should use as a plumbline. God's word was written before we were born and he had us in mind while he sent his word to deliver us from our destruction.

I know folks will always have reasons for what they do. In fact there might be instances to quote as reasons for us choosing unbelieving partners above any other. In fact we may proceed to justify such reasons with some profound legitimacy, but in final analysis, your life is not answerable to any man but the Supreme and Living God and his word of testimony he gave to you and I.

So when next you see reasons to do same, think about countless other believers who are heading the word of God and getting YOKED with fellow BELIEVERS. We can not use escapism to capitalize on disobedience to God's own instruction. It may win for man, but it doesn't win over God!

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