Author Thread: Are you looking forward to the New Year walking with the Lord?

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Are you looking forward to the New Year walking with the Lord?
Posted : 22 Dec, 2011 10:45 PM

LEN'S LINES --A Little Religion On A Positive Note By Len Granger

Looking Forward to the New Year

As the New Year will soon be with us , we can reflect on the past year and how we lived our life. Did we attempted to follow in the footsteps of our loving and gracious Lord Jesus Christ or did we try to do everything on our own?

At Christmas time we celebrated the birth of a small helpless baby who came to earth with a purpose, to die on the rugged cross and give his life that we might have eternal salvation , if we only put our faith in him and repented from our sinful lives.

We came on this earth also a small helpless baby, seeking a purpose in life. and many of us are still looking for answers. However, when we turned over our lives to the Lord Jesus Christ, it became very apparent to us that we had a purpose in life. We became a servant of the Lord, worshiping him and praying for his guidance in our lives. as we learned to pray and read the Bible. We now attempt to walk in our Lord's footsteps, speaking to those we came into contact with, giving out the Good Word.

As we look to the New Year, let us remember we are not alone to face the challenges that we will encounter in our lives. Yes, life is full of difficulties but Christ has given us a Helper to take the place of his visible presence.

He said. " And I will pray to the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter that he may abide with you forever," as it reads in John 14 verse 16.

We see two things that can be easily explained. First , we need divine help to live the life that pleases God. This first item is demonstrated in experiences we encounter. Every trial of life brings us face to face with our own limitations and weaknesses.

The second is the promise made by Jesus. We can all get the help we need. More than that, we can have the helper himself. How does he help? "the spirit also helpeth our infirmities" Romans 8 verse 26.

1. HE helps us bear up under our burdens and challenges in life.

2. HE helps us to look up unto our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

3. HE helps us to face up and recognize our own failures.

4. HE helps us to stand up for the truth.

Yes, as Christians we need and can count on the Spirit to guide our lives daily --- if we only put our faith and trust in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Trust this coming Sunday, New Years Day, that we all will be in the church of our choice worshiping and praising our Lord. God Bless America.

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Are you looking forward to the New Year walking with the Lord?
Posted : 30 Dec, 2011 08:46 AM

Well said!

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Are you looking forward to the New Year walking with the Lord?
Posted : 16 Nov, 2012 09:51 PM

Amen!!! :)

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