Author Thread: Porn --Is it in your life?

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Porn --Is it in your life?
Posted : 12 Dec, 2011 10:59 PM

LEN'S LINES ---- A Little Religion On A Positive Note By Len Granger

Porn the Killer

In today's fast life pace of things we find the computer has given us all kinds of wonderful things including a broad outlet on the world. Some Christians , who should know better, have let the computer become the most important thing in their life as they search for things they feel will just maybe make them more satisfied with life and even happier.

Christians we believe the Lord is the first in our life but when we let, family, job, money, or even the computer replace the number one spot in our lives, bad things can happen. Porn a fantasy in one's mind, can if we let ourselves dwell on it, make us a tool of the devil. We see stories in the papers but the world says it is not a problem for most people and they believe it is a sign of the times.

Now when the devil attacks weak Christians with his sinful sword of Porn we should take notice. We must keep the Lord first in our lives and put on the shield of armor he provides us in Ephesians 6- v11, " Put On The Whole Armor Of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil."

A reader of this column in Dallas, Texas, who is the widow of a pastor, tells a very heartbreaking true story of her Christian sister and how sinful porn tore a family apart.

"Len's Lines ...12/11/11

Today is my sister's birthday and I would love to share a story about a very special person in life. This lady happened to be my little sister. She was 45 years of age and was the youngest of seven of us children. Maybe this may help someone else out there that has been addicted to porn. She met this young man in high school. She led him to the Lord, they fell in love and married and God gave them three beautiful girls. Ron got caught up into porn when in high school. When their girls were age 16, 18 and 20, their dad got mixed up in porn again and all his past came back to haunt him. He was even seeing Christian doctors and counselors because of this addiction. One morning the girls awakened to find his attach case was still in the spot he left it the night before. The girls broke into their bedroom because no one answered them. They got into their bedroom and found their parents dead in bed. I'm telling you this story as Satan is out to kill and destroy us all. We must keep our focus on the Lord Jesus Christ and not let the sins of the flesh rule our lives. Satan got the victory in this story, however, but as Christians our victory is in the Lord Jesus Christ. My sister is in heaven with Jesus and Oh, how I miss her sweet voice and smile. Someday I will see Him face to face and will see my sister again. When we let this kind of thing get a grip on us, we not only hurt ourselves, but others as well. If you have never asked Jesus into your life and let Him make a difference in you, I pray that you will do this and you will never be sorry you made this decision. Your eternity is your destiny. God Bless You is my prayer. Joan"

This middle aged family was not in need of anything and was materially well by today's standards. The devil is very powerful if we let him get a hold of our life and you can see by the story steps were being taken to remedy the problem. However, if we put the Lord first in our life and look to him for answers, our Lord has promised he will shield us from a life of sin and change our sinful nature.

We pray this Sunday will find us all in the church of our choice praying and worshiping our most loving and gracious Lord Jesus Christ. God Bless America

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Porn --Is it in your life?
Posted : 14 Dec, 2011 03:33 PM

thank u for the lovely posting dear brother!

will pray for u sister in haven having a peace!

in him,:angel::angel::angel::angel:


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Porn --Is it in your life?
Posted : 16 Dec, 2011 12:32 PM

I'm not sure where the link is between him being into porn and them both being dead in bed is, unless they were acting out some dangerous fantasy that went wrong...

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