Author Thread: Sharing the gospel

Sharing the gospel
Posted : 27 Nov, 2011 09:22 PM

How are we to go about sharing the gospel of Christ to the alcoholics and/or drug addicts? Is it wrong to sit with them and engage in those activities? If we are not defiled by what enters our bodies then doesn't that mean that a little bit of alcohol and drugs are okay? Im not trying to engage in bad activities for my own pleasure but rather for an opportunity to share the gospel to the lost.

What are your thoughts? Please share as I need some guidance in this area.

God bless,


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Sharing the gospel
Posted : 28 Nov, 2011 11:14 AM

Are the drugs illegal? Then it is wrong for you to use them. Do you have convictions against drinking alcohol? Then it is wrong for you to take that drink.

It is never OK to do wrong in order to reach an end result that is right. I'm not saying that you shouldn't witness to people who use drugs and alcohol. You most certainly should. But that does not mean that you have to participate in their activities. If you were witnessing to a homosexual man, would you need to engage in sexual activities with him to reach him with the Gospel? That might seem like a dramatic example, but I personally know of two men who were in that position, and who DID experiment with homosexuality because of the men they were witnessing to. In one case, it completely ruined the pastor's testimony, ended his marriage, and his church asked him to resign. The other case had only a slightly better least his marriage held up.

The Bible says that we are to be in the world, but not of the world. You might want to read "The Cross and the Switchblade" by David Wilkerson. He witnessed to the gang members in New York City, but didn't join in their illegal and sinful activities.

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Sharing the gospel
Posted : 28 Nov, 2011 11:57 AM

How are we to go about sharing the gospel of Christ to the alcoholics and/or drug addicts?

*** The same way we preach the Gospel to any one...with the Truth of Christ Jesus word and with Love...

Is it wrong to sit with them and engage in those activities?

*** It is for me...wrong that engage in those activities...Alcohol and Drugs is a sure way to Escape Reality and a Surer way to Back Slide back into the Sin of the World...A person isn't Equipt to Practice what they Preach in the LORD's name ifin they be Engaged ina Dis-Ease / Addiction of the World...Only when Free from the Dis-Ease can a person be Truely used by the LORD as an Example to others that there is HOPE and Salvation in Christ Jesus...xo

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Sharing the gospel
Posted : 28 Nov, 2011 09:17 PM

Thanks, bcpianogal and Godsjude :)

The homosexual example was a bit over the top but I think I get the point. The thing is, I don't want to offend people before I even get the chance to share the gospel to them. I believe it was the Apostle Paul who said that he became like a Jew when witnessing to Jews but that he also became like a gentile when he witnessed to the gentiles?

If laying down one's life for the life of another is considered the greatest form of love, then what is wrong with inhaling pot and drinking a can of beer? If I can't drink one bottle of beer for the sake of sharing the gospel to a lost soul, then how much harder will it be for me to lay down my life for another!

Is this the act of love? Or, am I simply deceiving myself?

God bless,


PS - I do not lust for alcohol or drugs, I want my firend to receive Christ as Lord - that is all.

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Sharing the gospel
Posted : 29 Nov, 2011 11:17 AM

Is this the act of love? Or, am I simply deceiving myself?

*** :glow:...Your own words are full of Truth...its easy for us to decieve our selves...We are to come out of the World...and touch not the Unclean thing...A persons Actions always Speak Louder than words...Remember...No one is Perfect and when Christ Jesus leads us to share the Gospel...its Always Perfect in matter what means HE uses...Praise ???...Be Blessed..xo

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Sharing the gospel
Posted : 30 Nov, 2011 06:02 PM

bcpianogal & GodsJude very good responses to this post.

I agree we should always reframe from wrong doing, but God calls us to witness to All unbelievers, we do not have to partake of what they are doing. Pray about where to meet them and what to say in witnessing.

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Sharing the gospel
Posted : 6 Dec, 2011 03:43 PM

Drinking alcohol and drunkenness are two different things. Many sins come from drunkenness and if it causes a person to sin he/she should not do it. I personally have never known a person on pills, heroin, cocaine�. That did not engage into sin. Weather it is trying to get more money to buy more/some, or just breaking the law in the US. In some parts of Europe this does raze the question because in Amsterdam even heroin is legal. Then that takes us back is it leading that person to sin!?! But, to get the drug for a sick person will still lead to sin. Sadly it comes in many forms.

I drink wine at Seder (Pass Over). However, if it is true that the alcoholic mind is altered than comparing a non-alcoholic to an alcoholic is pointless.

However, not all that drinks until drunkenness are not alcoholic (According to AA�s �Big Book�).

The bottom line is what spirit are we lead by? Do we pray continually, do we seek G-d in every thing; can we lead someone to Him at any given point in time... and so on????

If I could not answer yes to these because I am high in some way I should reconsider my use of substances. He is more than "feel good" right now. Actually He alone is the FEEL GOOD RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sharing the gospel
Posted : 8 Dec, 2011 09:26 PM

Thanks for sharing your thoughts guys, I think I'll keep praying about it 'till Im sure of God's will and His WAY of doing things.

Jah bless,


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Sharing the gospel
Posted : 16 Dec, 2011 12:49 PM

You need to separate the actions here: beer if you like the taste and only have the one (or none if you'll be driving) isn't a problem. However, alcohol, like any drug, causes chemical imbalances in the brain which lead to a change of personality, behaviour, perception, and a whole host of other things, as well as being highly addictive. That's a problem because whilst you're not 'yourself' you're likely to do something stupid, immoral, illegal or all three, and that would bring disgrace on Jesus' Name...

I've never known anyone smoke, inject or otherwise, drugs (of any type) simply for the action of smoking or injecting - they do it for how it makes them feel which is what I'm saying above.

Hopefully you can see why although drinking won't defile you per se (remember they said of Jesus that He ate and drank with sinners), it's not a good idea to go down that route. As for the drugs, if you crave a smoke, then normal cigarettes should be as far as you go, if nothing else, due to the (il)legality and conotations of anything more

As for witnessing to alcoholics and drug users, remember it's easier to fall down than pull yourself up, and I couldn't recommend you "do as they do" to reach them - after all, there are plenty of reformed alcoholics/drug users thanks to Jesus and they would be better placed, having lived that life, to meet them where they are. You'd just be playing with fire in your own life.

"Never argue with an idiot because you have to get down to his level and then he'll beat you with experience..."

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Sharing the gospel
Posted : 20 Dec, 2011 08:16 PM

Sharing the Gospel is an important work in any Christian, I have been in the wholesale fishing tackle business some 42 years and I at one time called on Liquor Stores and Bars that sold fishing tackle. Then I realized for a few dollars of profit I was compromising my Christian life.

Today as a older Christian still wanting to serve the Lord, I write a Christian column for the local newspaper and send it out on this website and 6 others worldwide. We are never too old to share the Good News with our neighbors, friends, and stangers.

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Sharing the gospel
Posted : 12 Jan, 2012 12:01 AM

Thanks dkj255 and Len1932,

I can see the line in the sand more clearly now. Thanks to everyone else as well, may God continue to lead us in the way, truth and life.

Blessings from Japan,


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