Author Thread: compromise

Posted : 31 Oct, 2011 02:31 PM

My friend told me today that her niece and fiance' bought a home together and live together. They are " So called

Christian". I told my friend this; Christian should live together

male and female that are sexually attracted to one another,

fiance' or not we are still in the flesh.

My friend got really upset with me and said that they are both abstaining.

How would she know this unless ...she lived in there with

the young couple. :laugh:

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Posted : 31 Oct, 2011 04:32 PM

Even if they ARE abstaining from sex, that is a huge blow to their testimony as Christians. It is typically assumed that if a dating/engaged couple is living together, they are living as "husband and wife" even if they claim that they are not.

Even if two people of the opposite sex are living together as roommates and not at all romantically involved, it doesn't look good. There is too much opportunity for sin, and there is no accountability.

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Posted : 31 Oct, 2011 05:28 PM


this all is very true, and I like that you put how they would not be a good testimony for to tell others.

I met that they should NOT live together in the orginal post. lol

I was just saying what I thought was biblical advice.

Often times, my friend, who has never been married at

56 seems very naive. She means well, I am sure.

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Posted : 31 Oct, 2011 05:55 PM

Yes, I assumed that you meant that they should not live together before! I have friends who are naive too. Drives me crazy!

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Posted : 3 Nov, 2011 09:13 PM

I believe it was Paul who said "shun the apearence of evil" so it is definatly against the word of God to live together with or without sex.. Why you ask, because it brings reproach to my lord, becasue the world looks at us for an example and if we are "shacked up" or "living in sin" then it makes the true church look bad, this couple needs our prayers, and my question is .... If they live together tand they are engaged why dnt they just get maried? that makes no sence to me as a Christian if I had made the commitmenmt to get married I would go ahead and do it before I moved in and brought reproach on my Lord

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Posted : 6 Nov, 2011 03:13 PM


I agree with you! However, my friend got upset with me when I said that is inappropriate for a Christian couple.

She said I need to mind my own buisness, even afte she was the one telling about her neice who was a Christian abstaining.

Many people just try to justify what they do.

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Posted : 17 Nov, 2011 09:21 PM

You likely heard or know this already, but the word of God says to shone the very appearance of evil. Can I say that it is wrong? hmmmmmm, but if you want to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling as the word of God tells us, then you will fear that the possibility of temptation coming upon the flesh, is present. Honestly, I think that if the two are christians as they say, then somebody may have reservations to give in to their flesh. Otherwise, why live together before being married?

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Posted : 11 Dec, 2011 07:50 PM

Well said MissAlicia, I just want to add my 2 cents. what message are they sending as "christians" to their non christian friends, family and neighbors; how can they minister to them? The Bible says in 1 Timothy 4:16 Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.


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Posted : 25 Dec, 2011 06:57 PM

Then, let's look forward 15 years, as they are talking to their daughter about this guy she wants to move in with... "But Mom, you moved in with Dad when you weren't married..." We can't teach to our kids what we aren't willing to live.

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