Author Thread: Something to think about

Something to think about
Posted : 19 Sep, 2011 07:34 PM

"We are the better men." a quote that I am choosing to live by. As a christian man, I have a calling to do the right thing accourding to Christ above all else because he is the number one in my life. I cannot be bitter to someone who has harmed me. People make their own choices and I have no control over that. I need to accept that and not hate them for making choices that hurt me. They probably don't even intend to hurt me most of the time. Showing love, compassion and, empathy are key to showing the world that God truly is love. Granted I am only human, but that is no excuse for getting even with someone, it's just an opportunity to show the world that I am truly in love with Christ. Even though I feel everyday that I am not worthy of his love or forgiveness. True humility is only shown through your actions and is not something one can verbaly claim for himself. A true humble person does not worry about trying to be humble, he only cares about doing what is right because his love of Christ is that strong. He is the only one that we really need to seek to please, everything else falls into place after that.

Hard times are a perfect times to practice your faith; even so, it is even more appropriate to practice your faith in times of happiness. Give glory to God for every cherished moment. Remember those times of peace. Always seek to be in the arms of Christ.

It is possible to change the world, all you have to do is love and forget about yourself. The world can change, souls can be saved. The question is, are you going to be the one to start the chain reaction that causes people to start thinking that TRUE LOVE is possible through Jesus Christ.

"We are the better men."

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Something to think about
Posted : 20 Oct, 2011 04:55 PM

Well said.

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