Author Thread: Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 19 Sep, 2011 09:25 AM

I don't keep up with a lot of the big-name evangelists out there. Perhaps I should, but I don't, so naturally I don't know too much about Pat Robertson.

I do know enough about him, though, that I was floored when I heard that he proclaimed that it was justifiable to divorce a spouse should he or she get Alzheimer's disease.

Last night, my singles group had a long discussion about it. We were all in agreement about the issue, surprisingly enough. (I thought for sure that there would be at least a couple people who disagreed). The general consensus of my group was that while YES, Alzheimer's is a horrible disease, it is NOT a reason to divorce your spouse. After all, don't most marriage vows contain the phrase (or something similar to it), "For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickeness and in health, 'til death do us part"?

We all tried to put ourselves on both sides of the situation. If we were the person with Alzheimer's, we wouldn't want our spouse to divorce us. We agreed that maybe that is selfish, but marriage is a covenant, and it's not going to always be fun or easy. If our spouse was the one with Alzheimer's, we also agreed that we would need to remain married and faithful to him/her. If we weren't willing to deal with the possibility of a tragic, debilitating accident or illness, we shouldn't have married the person in the first place.

What do you all have to say on this topic? Is a Christian free to divorce a spouse who has Alzheimer's Disease?

I'm not trying to start any heated arguments, and I'm not addressing divorce in general...only divorce because of Alzheimer's. I'm simply curious about what other people think!

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 19 Sep, 2011 10:24 AM

Proverbs 23:9 Saying 10 Do not speak to fools, for they will scorn your prudent words.

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 19 Sep, 2011 10:59 AM

Oh give it a break, EquallyYokedOnly. As best I can tell, your post has nothing whatsoever to do with this topic.

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 19 Sep, 2011 12:31 PM

Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?

*** NO !!!...I couldn't & wouldn't do that...Marriage is a " Covenent" betwix GOD, Man, Women and not just a Comittment...granted it would be hard going...for Man or Women dealing with this...its Not about You when this Happens...Its about them...and doing whats Best for them...Nancy Regan didn't give up on Ronald...and She is a Excellant Example to ALL...xo

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 19 Sep, 2011 05:11 PM

Amen GodsJude! I love our reply and totally agree.


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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 21 Sep, 2011 04:48 PM

Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?

No Way!!! the relationship just got to the fun part,think about it,You could dress Your Beloved Better Half up like a clown and give them a bucket of lollipops and lead them around town,or,if You were needing cash for say? lollipops!!! You could sign them up for improv comedy shows? besides it would be like honeymoon all over again,as most the time,they just met You....:applause:

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 21 Sep, 2011 09:18 PM

wow, that's a creative spin on that peacenic

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 21 Sep, 2011 09:21 PM

Anyways, Pat robertson is talking nonsense like always. I do not know why anyone supports this guy, but people are all excited about prosperity preaching and if they give money to him, maybe God will look favor onto them also, and give them diamond mines pumping out blood diamonds, and a big mansion that God wants them to have.

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 21 Sep, 2011 09:52 PM

My answer is a big "NO". It's clearly stated in the bible that when a man and a woman have been joined together by God Almighty, no mere man should put this union apart; but only mere death. As a Christian, I don't judge Pat Robertson for the view he's given; I dunno, perhaps, he was misquoted, if not, well I pray and hope that God would lead him back to the truth about this matter. However, I cajole all Christians to be careful in agreeing to something regardless of the source; for our sole authority on any matter is Christ through His word. Peace, everyone! :angel:

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 22 Sep, 2011 11:41 AM

We are to follow God, not Pat Robertson.

My x left me because I got laid off from my job. You can come up with any excuse you want to throw somebody out like trash. But that does not make it right.

The promise is for richer or poorer sickness and health.

Alzheimer's is a sickness.

What about the promise??????

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 28 Sep, 2011 10:08 AM

What do you all have to say on this topic? Is a Christian free to divorce a spouse who has Alzheimer's Disease?

NO, According to the Bible there are a couple of Scriptures

Biblically a man/woman, Christian can divorce, fornication and desertion, meaning if the spouse chooses to leave you.

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