Author Thread: The Dating Game

The Dating Game
Posted : 15 Sep, 2011 03:16 PM

I recently was asked by a fellow pastor if he could come over and meet my family and share dinner with us. We put in a nice family movie, very good called The Lazerus Project. He was trying to be all over me and told me he wanted some fun, would never want me as a wife, but wanted to feel good. I told him kindly and firmly that to be that forward was wrong and he really needed a WIFE. I did give him some Chick Bible tracts from Chick Publications that he was very happy to get and enjoyed he said. It surprised me that someone who ran two churches would be more forward to me knowing I am a missionary pastor lady treat me like one would expect a girl he bought for the night to act. I guess it hurt my feelings too. Yet most of my friends are guys. They treat me as a sister, a friend and confidant. It is great to be that way and I no longer feel like they are snubbing me if they do not want more.:applause:

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