Author Thread: May Our Lights Shine For Others

May Our Lights Shine For Others
Posted : 13 Sep, 2011 12:55 PM

As a Child of God, we have no worries each day. God has it all under his control and his perfect will is being done in all things. I know some of you may be thinking, Im crazy! and Yes, we do have worries! If we desire to stay under the worlds control and continue to live as a slave to this hopeless world then we do. But if we desire to be a light for Christ to this lost world, then we must live by faith before others as an example to them, so they might come to have faith and hope too in him.

The Lord is showing and teaching me that each day is just another blessed opportunity to serve him. Showing the world the new life that he freely gave to all through Christ. Allowing his love to live through us to others, proving to the world, his awesome power and glory. Praise the Lord for this day, for you are truely blessed to know him and be his Children. God has bleseed us all! May those blessings and true hope, shine through to this lost world, so they might have hope and faith also in him.

Gods Continued Blessings and Love,



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