Author Thread: Why are we so obsessed with how we appear to others?

Why are we so obsessed with how we appear to others?
Posted : 2 Sep, 2011 03:09 PM

First off let me say that I'm not here to start some sort of volleyball match where we hit a tired old ball from one proverbial side to the next. It's not about one person being wrong and another being right. It's about where you're focus is in your life. How you're relationship is with God that really matter. A dear friend once told me, take care of the position of your heart and soul and the position of your hemline and neckline will take care of itself.

I'm not going to tell everyone how that should dress and why. You're all adults and I'm sure you've heard every line and sermon a hundred times and probably you've already decided what you believe and are looking for a reason to shout it to everyone. All I want to ask is why are we women (and men) so consumed with how we look?

Think about it for a second.....we take maybe a half an hour to an hour to get dressed, maybe try on two or three different outfits, style our hair a hundred different ways, then comes make-up, jewerly and heaven forbid we put on the wrong pair of shoes! Then on our way out the door we make excuses for why we didn't have time to read God's Word or spend some time in prayer. I know because I've been there. And then someone comments on what you where and you feel good. A giggle that may not be meant for you and your shoulders sag and hurry through the store like your skirt is on fire.

I've seen people spend hours every week going to a gym or shopping for clothes, getting their hair done. Now none of this is wrong....I enjoy them. But when we care about how people view us soo much that we don't even hand them a track, is that right? We would pass up a chance to keep someone from going to hell because they might think we're strange? Who knows after reading this alot of people might think I'm weird, but thats okay.

I'll share one more thing then I'll shut up. I went to a christian bookstore and tried to find a devotional. What I found was countless books on how to feel good about yourself, christian workouts, fashion guides, ect. I asked a lady who worked there why they had so few devotionals. She told me it was because no one would buy them. There was no longer a demand for them. I felt like crying as I walked out. Are we, a christian people, more consumed with how we look and how we appear to others, more than our relationship with the One Who died for us??

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Why are we so obsessed with how we appear to others?
Posted : 3 Sep, 2011 02:00 AM

WOW! You got a brain and You are using it!well done.

another title for this could be? Why are We worshiping the image of the beast?

i dont think i have the problems You mention on Your blog and suffer huge amounts of accusation/profiling for it,lol,not like Jesus did not warn us it would be this way...

i dont fold my clothes,i just pull them outta the dryer,and lay them in a stack,so when i get out of the shower i just grab what is on top,and let GOD Almighty deal with the details of how the stack comes together.

however to answer Your question,could it be tradition of men/women/culture?social brainwashing?media hype?peer pressure?lack of Christ-esteem/mistaking Christ-esteem for self-esteem?vanity?parental upbringing?identity issues?lack of personality?or pure lazyness? as beautiful LAdies can breeze through where a unattractive Ladies will have to work hard and impress with well spoken words/attitude/personality to achieve the same things....

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Why are we so obsessed with how we appear to others?
Posted : 3 Sep, 2011 05:47 AM

I think the reason could be any one of the several you've mentioned or a combination of many of them. The media seems to more or less control society and the image they portray is pretty much unatainable. I think the key is realizing that our focus needs to be on God. On what He thinks and not what the latest fashion magazine says. Spending time in the Bible before we turn on the tv or pick up a magazine.

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Why are we so obsessed with how we appear to others?
Posted : 9 Sep, 2011 11:03 AM

Hi, so happy i found this thread again :D

ok so after i ranted and bragged and boasted i actually asked YHWH what HE thought and YOU know what HE said? Sister!are YOu ready?


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Why are we so obsessed with how we appear to others?
Posted : 15 Sep, 2011 03:19 PM

Glad you wrote that. I do KJV ministry songs and some from poems I or others do. Love A.V. Publications and Chick Publications. I aggree. It's a vanity trap. We should be happy in God and our life will reflect that light to others. Not be concerned what people say about us, but what God thinks about us! Blessings!:applause:

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Why are we so obsessed with how we appear to others?
Posted : 15 Sep, 2011 03:24 PM

Women get into a trap. If they do not look appealing they are dumpy. If they look pretty then they are cheap. It is for their own protection to wear modest apparel. My friend says if they're not in the business his daddy said don't advertise./ I posted a swim suit pic of me but have a skirt on it. I don't buy bandaide bikinis for me. I appreciate beauty in everybody but some things are meant for a man and his wife alone. Sometimes this world runs on way too many hormones and we forget what really matters, loving God and eachother, looking past the physical to CARE for eachother as Christ cares for US! I am a pastor and lady missionary. Yes, devotionals are great. We read 5 chapters from The Next Step list from Chick Publications, you can find them on the net. They have lots of good materials! God bless you!:applause:

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Why are we so obsessed with how we appear to others?
Posted : 18 Sep, 2011 02:57 PM

Nice letter, I believe it's another one of the evil ones subtle (our not so subtle) devices to keep us away from putting God almighty first. We worry about he low we look and that is more important then anything at that moment. How foolish are we?

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Why are we so obsessed with how we appear to others?
Posted : 25 Sep, 2011 07:49 PM

His grace.


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