Author Thread: Luke 11:34-36 -- Your Thoughts on it's Meaning?

Luke 11:34-36 -- Your Thoughts on it's Meaning?
Posted : 28 Aug, 2011 09:49 PM

Luke 11:34-36

New International Version (NIV)

34 Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy,[a] your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy,[b] your body also is full of darkness. 35 See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness. 36 Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be just as full of light as when a lamp shines its light on you.�

What does this "Say" to you?

What "Meaning" do you get from it?

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Luke 11:34-36 -- Your Thoughts on it's Meaning?
Posted : 29 Aug, 2011 06:55 AM

To me it speaks of our outlook, or our view. If our sight is full of The Light... then that Light will reign within and give health (physical, emotional, spiritual) to our whole being.

Interestingly... if you have a beam in your eye, you will not see very much Light! :excited:

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Luke 11:34-36 -- Your Thoughts on it's Meaning?
Posted : 6 Sep, 2011 09:46 PM

I Posed this Question because someone on this Forum felt that it meant that what you look at�what you let in through your Eyes�will �Darken� your Heart or it will be �Light� to your Heart.

I Believe that this Scripture means the Exact Opposite.

What you are Creating in your Heart will Darken or Enlighten what you Perceive through your Eyes.

For Instance�if you are looking at a Scantily Clad Woman and you have Lust in your Heart�it is Because YOU CREATED that Lustful Feeling�not what you were Looking at. While that Woman may have been the Catalyst that ended up with you Lusting...she was not the One that Created that Lust�You WERE!

Make Sense?

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Luke 11:34-36 -- Your Thoughts on it's Meaning?
Posted : 12 Sep, 2011 01:11 PM

i disagree with everyone, TrustandBelieve does have a great theory,i believe it means exactly what it say's. for example if You "social drinkers" go out and get Smashed,Your eye's are cloudy,if a cloudy day is dark?are not cloudy eye's dark also?

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Luke 11:34-36 -- Your Thoughts on it's Meaning?
Posted : 12 Sep, 2011 05:40 PM

Just throwing this out...... I would look heavily at the verse preceding it V. 33, to gain what Luke meant in those verses. It says:

"No one, when he has lit a lamp, puts it in a secret place or under a basket, but on a lampstand, that those hwo come in may see the light." NKJV

Luke was probably writing to Theophilus, a possible unbeliever who had heard the WOrd, but was struggling with having faith. This could be applied to any christian or non christian struggling.

When you put Vs. 34-36 with the pre-emptive implication from v. 33, I believe Luke was saying, if you put holiness in, you'll get holiness out, and vice versa, if you put crud in, you'll get crud out! ........and it's implication is to be guarded about what goes in, that you may be a testament to His holiness and grace!

Just my 2 cents :angel:

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Luke 11:34-36 -- Your Thoughts on it's Meaning?
Posted : 19 Sep, 2011 10:23 AM

Proverbs 23:9 Saying 10 Do not speak to fools, for they will scorn your prudent words.

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Luke 11:34-36 -- Your Thoughts on it's Meaning?
Posted : 11 Apr, 2012 09:10 PM

Do not put any evil thing before your eyes. Just a thought. We studied this in church a while ago and I figure it was a common metaphor at the time, but it is hard to understand now.

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