Author Thread: If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!

If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!
Posted : 16 Aug, 2011 07:08 PM

The pastor at church regularly says this: "If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!"

I'm gonna be honest with all the young ladies out there.....If you're not willing to dress modestly, then you might as well pass me by and keep searching, because I'm not interested! I feel uncomfortable near/around women when they're dressed inappropriately. WHY??? For several reasons.....

(1) It's a temptation/possible stumbling block that ought not be there.

(2) Someone might think I approve of the way they dress, giving "me" a bad reputation.

(3) It simply isn't right in God's's disgraceful!

What can I say...the female body is beautiful the way God made it. HOWEVER, I don't believe God intends for any woman to display/flaunt it at all...yes, maybe to her husband behind closed doors, but NOT to anybody else! It doesn't matter what excuse a person tries to use to defend that kind of offensive behavior, because God doesn't accept excuses...He never has, and He never will. A woman who dresses inappropriately WILL NOT attract a decent God-fearing man...but she WILL attract the WRONG kind of men! IMMODESTY IS DISGRACEFUL! Fact is, if you dress like trash, you'll attract trash. By the way, when I see women who are dressed inappropriately, I try to turn my head in a different direction. I might be single, but that still doesn't give me any right to look at a woman who is dressed that way.

For those ladies who think it's ok to dress inappropriately, let me ask you a serious question.....What will you say on Judgment Day if someone lost their soul on account of that way of dressing??? Is it too much to ask someone to dress modestly???

Anyway, as I mentioned earlier, if you have to pull it up or press it down, then you shouldn't be wearing it!

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If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!
Posted : 16 Aug, 2011 09:31 PM

I've never had a problem with dressing modestly...but my definition of modestly may not align with yours or others.

I find it interesting that everyone has advice for how a woman should dress...but I rarely hear how a man should dress. Personally, I think men should keep their shirts on...and not wear the tank top undershirt as an other garment. Button your shirt...probably wear a t-shirt under your dress shirt. Pants should not expose underwear or what should be covered by it. Spandex is out...unless your biking...and even then only if you're competitive...and only in a competition or training. Swimming Trunks should be long enough to cover your thighs...

Ok...that's off my chest...I have sat through too many sermons and lessons on how women should/should not dress and don't think I've heard a handful on how Godly men should dress...

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If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!
Posted : 16 Aug, 2011 10:19 PM

I had a feeling someone might say something about that. By the way, I basically follow those kinds of rules. I wear blue jeans even throughout the summer months...LOL :) The only time I usually wear shorts is if I'm at the beach. Most people probably think that's ridiculous...but that's just my personality. I never wear anything other than a regular shirt unless it's a special occassion...and I normally don't go without a shirt unless I'm going swimming or I'm at the beach.

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If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!
Posted : 17 Aug, 2011 06:24 AM

maybe to her husband behind closed doors�

MAYBE? How about most definitely!

It can be very frustrating for us men to have to avoid women who dress immodestly. For all you ladies out there who think you have to show some skin for us guys to figure out that you are beautiful, you are plain wrong. We have good imaginations, we can figure it out on our own.

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If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!
Posted : 17 Aug, 2011 06:50 AM

I tend to agree with

teach_ib ! lol

Men need to be aware of how they dress also, especially if they are a Christian.

Unfortunately, many men on these dates love to see photo's of women with less clothes.

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If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!
Posted : 17 Aug, 2011 12:19 PM

Totally Agree Focus...and Thanxs Teach for the female perspective is one way to cause a stumbling block to both men & women...I agree with have a great imagination and can figure it out...What ever happened to Suspense...Intrig...Classic and Classy Lady Audre Hepburn...she always looked stunning in a lil black dress that covered and left some thought for imagination...:rolleyes:...Anywho...I believe what we as humans and Christians allow or put before our eyes needs to be personaly it good ? is it stumbling others or our self ? is it acceptable to God ? is it the 1st impression we need or want to present to others ?...after all...I believe Sin begins in the eyes and moves to the heart...David "saw" Basheba...and yall know the rest of this Biblical lesson & story...xo

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If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!
Posted : 17 Aug, 2011 01:58 PM

A woman who dresses seductively is an insult to me for it shows that she doesn't respect me to the point that she thinks I can be controlled by parts of her body. This tactic may work on boys yet will not get her a real man, maybe a real man who has fallen yet when he rises and carry's on and she hasn't changed then he will carry on without her as she cries that she was just used for her body that she put out there as bait.

I've been known to rather sternly tell women to button their blouses as they lean into me because I deserve more respect.

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If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!
Posted : 18 Aug, 2011 01:40 PM

The words indicated in Bold are censored from the CDFF Forum:

i think that women should be careful how they dress...but we are not nuns , and if the weather is hot, then we should be alolwed to wear sun dresses, as long as they are modest... all clothing moves and outfits often need to be arranged after sitting down , no matter what it is one os wearing~ so there should not be a problem with that , only in what ones wears and the attitude and behavior of the person wearing it i personally think that women should cover up their runaway tops ...i am tired of that & there is nothing classy about that behavior of flaunting their chests ,,, if a woman is not more than what she looks like, what has she really got ? we are much more than sexual beings so why is that first and foremost to so many ??? because the world tries to make us feel that that is all that there is we are or at least should be more than what we wear & far more than what we look like...and even though we may live in warm climates, a man should not have to cover his eyes, to not see some promiscuously dressed woman in churcgh ...the world is full of leud loose moraled flimsy dressed men & women and church should be a safe place, free from all of that sickening sex oriented worldly behavior

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If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!
Posted : 18 Aug, 2011 05:27 PM


That's why I don't wear my "lil black dress" as much as I used to. :dancingp:

When God Created Adam and Eve...He Created them NAKED...and God was PLEASED!

The Human Form is Beautiful. Mankind makes it Vulgar.

It is not what we "Let in" through Our Eyes that matters.

It is what we "Let out" of Our Hearts that Matters.

Now I am not Advocating Bikinis at Church Services but if a Woman wears something that is loose fitting and Comfortable to her...but Clings to Curves and Acentuates parts of her Body...

...Who is Creating the Evil by Lusting -- Her or You?

Nudists walk around completely Naked and have no problem with it. Why?

Think about it.

"I shot an Elephant in my Pajamas this morning!"

"What he was doing in my Pajamas...I'll never know!"

Groucho Marx

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If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!
Posted : 18 Aug, 2011 05:41 PM

Not all people in a church service are Christian or mature Christians. In my church, you may see people less moderately dressed than most...we minister to wide range of have to get them in to get them saved and then start the discipleship.

Babes in Christ may not fully understand the affect their dress may gave on others (I'm just as offended by women or men who fail to dress modestly). We need to work with gently, with love...don't get too legalistic too soon.

I attended a church for many years that taught women wearing pants was sin. I saw too many new Christian women being pressured to change dress standards before they really understood the change in their heart...and were driven way from the church.

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If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!
Posted : 19 Aug, 2011 01:48 PM

Arch shared ~ Now I am not Advocating Bikinis at Church Services but if a Woman wears something that is loose fitting and Comfortable to her...but Clings to Curves and Acentuates parts of her Body...

*** I pray not you advocate Bikinis at for the Loose fitting...:rolleyes:...the dress would not be clinging to anything curves included...:nahnah:...

Who is Creating the Evil by Lusting -- Her or You?

*** It would not be me "Creating" an Evil or a Lusting...I would be most happy for the women dressed comfy...the men on the other hand "could" be "thinking"...She could have worn something a lil more Provocative...:ROFL:..

And I dont get the Nudist a group setting that is...:winksmile:...Once Adam & Eve's eyes were opened and they Knew they were naked they Covered them selves with fig leaves in Shame...and from the Eyes of GOD...xo

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