Author Thread: Critical Thinking and Analysis

Critical Thinking and Analysis
Posted : 4 Aug, 2011 07:29 AM

Ever found yourself thinking of a racial slur or other derogatory remark and wondered where it came from? Nothing in your real-world experience could have been responsible for it, yet there it is in your mind. The short answer is media.

Media functions out of a capitalist model as every station has a corporate owner (with very few exceptions.) And being corporate, they wish to make profits. So to make profits they have to sell us something hence tv commercials. Programming itself doesn't directly earn tv stations money. But a good widely watched program will attract more viewers, some of whom will sit and watch the commercials than a bad program.

As you may have heard, media presents stereotypes. Watch tv commercials critically and ask yourselves if certain races or groups are being portrayed the same way over and over. Over a period of years, it's not difficult to see how the same seemingly innocuous portrayls and stereotypes begin to effect our perception of the groups involved.

Though I could offer examples, that would only further color the overall picture so it's up to you to do it for yourself. The key though is thinking critically, not just sitting back passively and being entertained.

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Critical Thinking and Analysis
Posted : 4 Aug, 2011 02:41 PM

That would go along nicely with the notion of taking every thought captive and evaluating it for its value. I would also point out that having a thought appear in your head is not a sin, it is a temptation to sin. How you choose to interact with a thought is what makes it right or wrong; Jesus was tempted, yet he did not sin. Satan put thoughts there with his taunts and temptings, yet that in itself is not a sin. Sin comes from acting on a tempting thought, either by exploring it or saying something or doing something. The corruption of media is unsettling, but we are to be in the world and not of it... that is, be around it but not take part in its foolishness. Good post Jeff.

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Critical Thinking and Analysis
Posted : 16 Aug, 2011 11:10 PM


That is why I have no desire to have a television in my home. Watching television is worthless to me unless it's about the weather forecast...or maybe for watching a dvd movie. Honestly though, I'd rather be spending time with a wife. I desire a wife so badly. I can't stand the way people talk bad about their spouses...especially if it's over foolish things that don't even matter. I honestly put everything I possibly could into my last relationship...but it still didn't work out, because it takes more than one person to make a relationship work. I realized at least one extremely important thing from that relationship...that I'm to "love my neighbor as myself". What do I mean by that??? Simply this, that I cannot allow myself to be cheated of the love that I need from the other person...especially when I was willing to give so much more. Scripture should never be argued only for one side. I put up with way more than most guys would've...and my dad even said that I had far more patience with that young lady than he would've had...and he's twice my age! But anyway, I've kinda gotten off from the subject about television or the media. But I will say this, television is responsible for many unhappy marriages...and I don't really want it in my home. People have turned "watching television" into an idol!

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Critical Thinking and Analysis
Posted : 20 Aug, 2011 11:14 PM

Interesting post.

One of the aspects of integrity, is that who you are stands for something. Both beliefs and actions. If a person has attributes that have a high correlation with a particular action then it is reasonable to bewary the next time these are presented.

Perhaps you may say this is prejudiced. There are many valid and sound issues that apply to principle above. However if one wishes to reject it wholely then they must reject the prinicple of "get me one shame on you, get me twice shame on me." Or they must add conditions to what has been said.

Please note that a person presenting indicators where a correlation has been established does not mean that they are necessarily that but it does mean they are more likely to be so. Or ... cause and effect (if X then Y) and correlations (if X then quantifier such as unlikely, most probably and so on, will produce Y).

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