Author Thread: Christian Moral Standards

Christian Moral Standards
Posted : 27 Jul, 2011 10:59 AM

Christian Moral Standards

What are they to a Christian ?

Why do Christians need and have them ?

What happens when a Christian has none ?


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Christian Moral Standards
Posted : 27 Jul, 2011 08:47 PM

Christian morals are the standards a Christian establishes for themselves based on the Word of God. Start with the 10 Commandments...if you follow the first, the rest will follow. Put God first. Then you won't worship other God's, your words will bring honor and glory to God, you'll follow the NT teaching of assembling yourselves with other Christians. You will honor your parents (and those in authority over you). You want steal, lie, commit adultery (or fornication), kill or covet. To follow Jesus' command in the NT you will love God and your neighbor (everyone else).

I believe as we mature as Christians God convicts us of other standards to uphold. The standards may be a little different depending on our growth.

1 Corinthians 8-10 provide some standards and the reasons why to keep them. Others are watching us and how we live. If they struggle with particular issues and see you as Christian doing the same thing, they will think it doesn't matter if they accept Christ or not.

As we grow as Christians, our desire should be to be more like Christ and less like the world. If we stray from God's standards we lose fellowship with and blessings from God. Once you are saved, you are no longer under the law but are under grace.

Years ago I had a falling out with my parents. I didn't really speak with them for quite a while. They were still my parents but my fellowship with them was strained. It's the same with God, once we are saved we are His children. Nothing we do can change that Father/child relationship; however, our prayers can be hindered by unconfessed sin.

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Christian Moral Standards
Posted : 30 Jul, 2011 09:37 AM

without them they become saltless

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