Author Thread: differences

Posted : 11 Jul, 2011 02:37 PM

Many Christians agree on God's Word, meaning the

Bible and Jesus being the Savior and God's only son.

However, many Christians do not agree on the

same Standards for their lifestyle. So, my question is

why are there so many differences, is it because we

are just people and we are still in the Flesh?

Just Curious!

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Posted : 12 Jul, 2011 08:53 PM

The differences come from our different backgrounds. There are a lot of things that we can do as Christians that some people feel uncomfortable with, while others have no problems. The big question is, is it a command from God not to do something, or is it a preference.

For example, we are commanded not to have s-e-x outside of marriage, there is no question about that. But, there is no command not to drink alcohol, we just can�t get drunk. That is a preference. For some people, they don�t have a problem with drinking from time to time. Others, like me, know from experience that we can�t handle alcohol, so it�s better not to drink at all. Others feel that the dangers of alcohol is not worth the reward, so we shouldn�t drink at all.

I would suggest reading Romans 14 for what the Apostle Paul says about it.

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Posted : 13 Jul, 2011 12:49 PM

Thanks for your reply, Cobbler. It is very good answer

and you seem to put thought in your responses here.

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Posted : 13 Jul, 2011 04:43 PM

Ya, Christianity is all about choices.

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Posted : 24 Jul, 2011 06:13 AM

Free Will?

Thing is that, the churches have their own laws and rules. And people basically focus on those more than reading the Word and following Him.

Then you have those who read the word and decide they think they know what it mean and change it to theri\ir liking. So they then think they can put words into the prophets mouths. Alway read sccriptures before and after what you assume what you read says to you.

The married woman if she separates from her husband should either remain single or be reconciiled to her husband. Most women will not quote that scripture. Probably because she would not want to stay single. If she marries another it IS adultry. And if the man remarries he is an adulterer.

Jesus said that God did not intend for covenants to be broken. He only allowed it in Moses time because of their hardeness of heart. Walking away because someone is unfaithful to you IS by Jesus' standards wrong. Forgiveness seems to be all over the bible, so shouldn't we forgive?

I think I need to change to friendships instead of relationships.

Like Esther sometimes we are called to do things in certain times like this.

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Posted : 24 Jul, 2011 09:56 AM


I think you have a lot going for you.



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