Author Thread: Woman/Man after Gods Heart.. Just thoughts...

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Woman/Man after Gods Heart.. Just thoughts...
Posted : 29 Jun, 2011 07:19 PM

God has been dealing with me regarding a lot lately regarding what a woman/man of God looks like and how to be a blessing to God, our spouse and our children... In that I've been studying the Book of Ruth, Proverbs and Esther. I've identified some areas in which I personally am working to improve in... I was having a conversation with God when He said something that really hit home for me, so many of us want to be married/parents but are not really cognizant of what it really requires... a servants heart!

What are some of the natural ways that you are cultivating and growing in the characteristics that God is dealling with you in?

Example: I am a single mom and sometimes its tough keeping everything together so God is dealing with me on my organization skills. Simple things like a shoe rack, dual clothes hampers have helped in my organization trmendously!

Also, asking God in what ways could I improve myself now to be a better mate for my future husband?

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Woman/Man after Gods Heart.. Just thoughts...
Posted : 10 Jul, 2011 02:24 PM

Dependence on the Lord Jesus Christ, which helps you be Independent, which helps you be Interdependent. there is plenty of material on this daily process.

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Woman/Man after Gods Heart.. Just thoughts...
Posted : 24 Jul, 2011 05:38 AM

The Lord IS your husband right now, and He is at work in you. I love the Proverbs 31 woman. Some women read it and say no way I can't be her. But everything talked about? Well, she didn't do all of it in one day.

Most women do not like the word submit or submission. But the husband is the head, our covering. I think that is why most marriages end in divorce. If you follow the Lord and become a woman after God's heart, your husband will see that, Love and respect you. And you will have your covering.

You are his helpmate. But yes it does mean having a servant attitude. But, in the end you will be the happiest wise on earth. But, make sure he is a man of God; strong in faith. Otherwise you will be like the woman who built her house on sand.

Michelle Hammond McKinnely (however you speel her name...) Is one of the best books on" Being a Woman" I have almost wore that book out! Every woman should read it!

Bless you


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