Author Thread: MATURITY

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Posted : 29 Jun, 2011 04:54 PM


Anne Nunemaker

If you can see a work which you have begun taken from you and

given to another without feeling bitterness ~ that is maturity.

If you can listen to someone criticize you, even unkindly, and receive

instructions from it without hard feelings ~ that is maturity.

If you can see a person do an act which is against your Christian

Standards and react without self righteousness ~ that is maturity.

If you can hear a man argue a point of view which is contrary to your own

And accept his right to his own opinion without a feeling

Of smugness ~ that is maturity.

If you can see someone you know deliberately snub you, and still

Make allowances for his actions ~ that is maturity.

If you can suffer nagging pain or ache, still singing and praising GOD,

Hiding your feelings for the sake of others ~ that is maturity.

If you can give yourself to help someone who needs you, without having

The idea that you are a pretty good fellow ~ that is maturity.

If you can crawl out of bed at an early hour to pray when you would rather sleep,

Because you realize that here lies your power with GOD ~ that is maturity.

If you look upon every man as an object of GOD�s yearning, so that

You become burdened for his soul ~ that is maturity.

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Posted : 13 Jul, 2011 11:49 AM

While there is much in this poem to contemplate, there is much to fuel feelings of insufficiency. How many people do you know that even begin to match up to the list of qualifications to be mature? And yet, how many people do you know that you feel ARE mature Christians? We all have our shortcomings, our weaknesses, our flaws. Everything that is mentioned in the poem is a target to shoot for, a goal to be achieved, but don't expect to ever conquer the body to the point of total submission. That is why Christ came, because we will never attain the perfection of complete maturity, Praise God and thanks be to Him for His mercy and grace.

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Posted : 14 Jul, 2011 08:09 AM

Whenever the principles of the bible are applied that's maturity. Unbelievers apply the principles of the bible. The difference between us and them is that we give thanks to God, acknowledge his divinity..they, the unbelievers credit themselves..

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Posted : 24 Jul, 2011 06:53 AM

I agree with happypat!

Some of what your poem said will give most people mixed feelings and actually look like you are judging people.

Some of what you said actually doesn't mean your are mature. Some of what you said is "GRACE" You need Grace and Mercy to do most of what you said. Maturity comes with life experiences. "Acting mature" is just what it implies "acting"

Maturity ~a term in developmental psychology to indicate that a person responds to the circumstances or environment in an appropriate manner.While it has been shown that older persons are generally more mature, psychological maturity is not determined by one's age.[1] However, for legal purposes, people are not considered psychologically mature enough to perform certain tasks (such as driving, consenting to sex, signing a binding contract or making medical decisions) until they have reached a certain age. In fact, judge Julian Mack, who helped create the juvenile court system in the United States, said that juvenile justice was based on the belief that young people do not always make good decisions because they are not mature, but this means that they can be reformed more easily than adults.[2] However, the relationship between psychological maturity and age is a difficult one, and there has been much debate over how to tell if someone is mature, especially regarding social issues such as religion, politics, human stem-cell research, genetic engineering and abortion.[3]

Walk the walk and you are mature. Talk is just talk.

Besides being mature doesn't mean it is the ticket into heaven.

Bible says it isn't your deeds. It is your person walk with Jesus that you should focus on. Not telling people they are not up to certain standards.

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