Author Thread: Is it a sin?

Is it a sin?
Posted : 20 Jun, 2011 05:25 PM

When people constantly insult others simply because they disagree with them, are they sinning? Is a sarcastic spirit pleasing to God? How much sarcasm should Christians tolerate? Some have said they do it jokingly, but doesn't that fall into the category of foolish jesting (which we are told to avoid)? :angel:

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Is it a sin?
Posted : 20 Jun, 2011 05:47 PM

I think the heart is important. Insulting each other obviously does glorify God. Sarcasm, not sure, my sentiments towards it that it can be ok; some forms tend to cut peoples spirits where others can be humouriuos. Not sure about sarcasm and foolish jesting.

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Is it a sin?
Posted : 20 Jun, 2011 06:20 PM

Thanks Asher. :peace:

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Is it a sin?
Posted : 20 Jun, 2011 07:17 PM

It certainly is a sin to insult each other over differences in doctrine. Read Romans 14. I realize that this really is speaking about personal preferences, but I think we can apply the principles to our differences in doctrine.

Why do so many people, especially in the Bible questions section, turn to insults? Because people are more concerned about others accepting what THEY believe, instead of presenting the truth and letting GOD work in their lives. One can only present someone the truth, you can�t push the truth on others. And, when others don�t accept your truth, the only other option is to lash out at them.

As far as using humor or sarcasm, that can be very difficult to pull off in writing, since most humor depends on how you say something, and not necessarily on what you say. There are times when one can joke, but the joke should be aimed at the theology and not at the person.

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Is it a sin?
Posted : 21 Jun, 2011 06:32 AM

Yes, I think it is a sin when people use sarcasm/insults to belittle someone else in a serious situation. If one person feels hurt because of the sarcasm/insults, you can pretty much be sure that it was wrong to do that.

If sarcasm/insults are playfully or teasingly given, though, and it is obvious to both people that it is only done in fun, I think it's fine. I would think that the problem of misunderstanding each other could be pretty common, though, which means that it should be used carefully.

And like Cobbler said, when attacking a different belief through sarcasm/insults, it is the theory/doctrine/belief that should be attacked, not the person.

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Is it a sin?
Posted : 21 Jun, 2011 06:20 PM

Thanks for your replies.

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Is it a sin?
Posted : 3 Jul, 2011 09:08 AM

We're told to rebuke a sinner, but not to bear a sin on their account. It's fine to argue, but being insulting or confrontational is crossing the line. A related sin is lashon hara "evil speech."

Too often, in our zeal for our respective faiths we wind up argueing with others who may not agree with our interpretations. You'll never convince another person your ideas of faith are correct and their's is wrong. The best you can hope for is simply explaining that they're doing something God said not to and move on.

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Is it a sin?
Posted : 10 Jul, 2011 02:30 PM

Hmm, I thought sin was "missing the mark", as in like Christianity is a dart board and believing God is the bullseye...the rest is sin...

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Is it a sin?
Posted : 17 Jul, 2011 04:24 PM

Yes, Constant Sarcasm is a sin. it shows the Heart. it is not Gracious, and understadning, and loving, and patient, and kind, and good. it is not humble, and mercyfull.


It is arrogant, and condiscending, and irritable, and comes from an anxious spirit. it is not understanding in fact it may be highly ignorant.

i say this BEING a sarcastic person, EX sarcastic person, Praise Jesus! God does a HUGE work in us and FAST if we quit resisting and just submit OUR will to be broken and to HIS will to guide us, through the Spirit.

And "Missing the MARK" is not obeying. ANYTHING done outside of obedeince to GOD is sin. HOLINESS is being Like Christ. Immitating GOD through Christ, and havign CHRIST formed in us. And Hebrews says WITHOUT holyness no man can see God. Missing the mark is sin, you got that right, but the MARK is the PERFECT will of GOD that we need to OBEY, adn be led by. NOT beleiving in Jesus, means that you do NOT believe CHRIST is LORD. When Christ is LORD/MASTER then that makes YOU a SLAVE. A BOND servant. Which means you MUST obey HIM. not self.

So that even goes for Sarcasm. :)

Its tough...and with out the Holy SPIRIT leading a person it is impossible to be like Jesus. But thats why it says "Those led by the spirit of God are sons of GOd"(paraphrased) And the Holy Spirit is going to lead you into TRUTH, Righteousness, and Holiness.

I hope maybe that is a help :) Jesus bless you.

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