Author Thread: jumped too fast

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jumped too fast
Posted : 23 May, 2011 01:27 PM

I jumped too fast, and joined a church because the people their are loving and joyful. The Pastor, however, is stern, old-school strict, and not nearly as copassionate as I like a pastor to be. He also is not a good speaker. on Sunday, and Weds, I'm left scraching my head, and getting more from reading the text myself, than his preaching on it. I would like to look for another, but don't want to hurt feelings. Help

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jumped too fast
Posted : 24 May, 2011 09:02 AM

Hubbard, we all make mistakes. Just ask yourself this, did God call you to this particular church, or did you chose it, because you wanted to go there? If you answered this as your choice, and not God's, then you should look for another church, irregardless of whether it will hurt someone's feelings. It's more important to follow God and less to make people happy.

As for switching churches, yes, you might hurt some people's feeling, but with the way so many people jump churches now days, I would not be surprised if they've already seen that happen.

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jumped too fast
Posted : 24 May, 2011 12:56 PM

thanks for understanding, Violakat! I thought people were gonna be harsh. truthfully, I joined cause I was lonlly. Don't have a lot of Christian freinds. (except here)

will check out others, keep praying for me bout it!

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jumped too fast
Posted : 24 May, 2011 01:40 PM

I think Kat nailed it.

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jumped too fast
Posted : 25 May, 2011 06:39 PM

You don't have control over how other people feel. Yes,there might be some who may be hurt. But you have to do what you think God is telling you to do. Pleasing him is more important than being careful about others' feelings.

Let us know how it turns out.

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jumped too fast
Posted : 18 Jun, 2011 09:05 AM

Just a thought, have you prayed about it, have you felt a revelation ot go to another congregation.

Myself i was in a congregation that I came ot have a hard heart towards when I was new Christian. I really wanted to leave but God did not want me to; and it haced me off. I am thankful that I was obedient in this case I he refined me majorly in this season.

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