Author Thread: Where is our focus?

Where is our focus?
Posted : 9 May, 2011 03:29 PM

Royal wedding, Kristie Ally falls on dancing with stars, Bill Clinton has affair, Charlie Sheen did drugs, Area 51, reality TV, big brother's watching, and Tellie Tubbies. Now "who wants to be a millionaire" is where "the price is right", and if you cant see that then you should "Leave it to beaver."

When I was growing up we ate at the table, went fishing, visited family and friends, had get togethers, went to local ball games and actually saw most of our friends and enimies there. At night we might watch two hours of TV together and a good bit of it was the news. We then discussed world news on someones front porch or at the local general store. That environment doesn't exist in my little town anymore. In fact, about four years ago our local general store told a few 70 - 80 year old men they could no longer sit and talk over coffee unless they wanted to order a meal.

I have seen a pattern out of this. Over the years our media and telecommunication have expanded while the moral backbone of your average person has diminished.

I tend to think it is only one piece to the morale decline puzzle. Any thoughts to this trend?

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Where is our focus?
Posted : 9 May, 2011 04:12 PM

Don't forget taking down the Ten Commandments and the birth of feminism with the burning of the bras. :(

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Where is our focus?
Posted : 16 May, 2011 09:33 PM

I grew up in Da City. Majority of people, in the world, live in citys. I'm not saying its right, but when economys go south, people gravitate towards "life", meaning work. The world is living on a co-dependant/symbiotic relationship with the rest of the world, and all of our economys are plummetting. So yes, things will get worse everywhere.

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Where is our focus?
Posted : 18 May, 2011 07:05 PM

This is good. Added to my media jab we now have:

A: Media (aka: TV, news, radio, et.)

B: Religious detachment (aka: Removal of 10 commandments)

C: Feminism (aka: burnt bras) :ROFL:

D: Economy (aka: dependancy of symbiotic "communal" living)

Let's see if we can get some others. Who knows what pattern we might discover.

Godbless and keep you

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Where is our focus?
Posted : 23 May, 2011 01:46 PM

I DON"T long for "the good old days" I have good NEW days!

Back then, there were such things as prejudise, very few opportunities for women, you were not accepted if you thought differently. People could not communicate as fast as they can now, and died of diseases that are now treatable.

The World Is What You Make It!

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Where is our focus?
Posted : 24 May, 2011 09:45 PM

Amen, hubbarddebra99! Way to look on the positive side! :applause:

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Where is our focus?
Posted : 28 May, 2011 08:19 PM

While it is true some have seen improvements in areas of life ... well for ever action there is a reaction. Not all is bad, nor is everything good.

The United States Crime Rate posted by The Disaster Center shows a 72.6% increase of violent crime from 1960 to 2009.

The World Health Organization shows 244 global alerts for new disease outbreaks from 2009 to 2010. 32 alerts have been given this year so far.

Many US voices say "send back" about 50 million immagrants ... I heard one voice speak against immagrants right before he went home to his foreign wife. Hypocrasy or predudice? Not sure on that one.

When I was a child, divorce was rare. My parents can't even remember it happening when they were children. US nursing homes abound. In my parents day they were called "old folks home" and were only for elder people that had "No Family." It is as if we are "predjudice" against our elders so we can live our lifes. Sounds like a decline in the family.

We shouldn't be surprised, though. The Bible does prophecy some of these things and as Christians I must believe we hold the Bible as truth.

I started this topic with an insinuation toward TV ... Ah, I do so enjoy the History Chanel and Spongebob. Shall we watch and pray or sleep and wait?

Godbless and keep you


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