Author Thread: to forgive

to forgive
Posted : 4 May, 2011 10:04 AM

If we are to forgive why are some people saying that some of their fellow christians will not?

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to forgive
Posted : 4 May, 2011 02:03 PM

I do not know, Dennis. Forgiveness comes from the heart and there is no way to know someone else's heart.

It makes me very sad. :(

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to forgive
Posted : 3 Jun, 2011 12:34 AM

when it comes to forgiveness,i say do your part as you know what christ says all about it, that we should forgive hence to be forgiven also as we are not also righteous,we sin and anger others all the time,hence dont mind if the other will forgive or not,just do your part and leave it to God to soften their hearts and help them see sense in forgiveness,its not easy but it is doable.with christ all is possible,ALL

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to forgive
Posted : 9 Jun, 2011 02:15 AM

When I was a new Christian, I opened my home to a guy who was on the ashbergius (forgive the spelling ;) which on the autism scale. Because of this he got freaked out by things that weren't ultra clean so for the first week that he was there I spent my free time doing a spring clean. I a month later despite my best efforts to welcome him into my home I found out that he was back biting behind my back (we have since found out that he has problems and likes to have an enemy). This really made me mad, and I had him up about it. In short I forgave him because God told me to. But in my heart I really didn't want to have anything to do with him. Through this God showed me that I should forgive him not because he deserved it, but exactly because he didn't.

Perhaps the reason why it can be hard to forgive people is because they don't deserve it, even when they repent. I think this may be for some about learning to give grace.

Also I feel forgiving someone does not mean that we must allow them to abuse us.

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