Author Thread: Racism or Generalization?

Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 4 Jan, 2011 10:31 AM

I was surprised to see that there are a lot of wonderful christian men out here! But sadly, I've read many profiles of men who doesn't want to meet women from my country (the Philippines), and some doesn't want women from Southeast Asia and Africa. What shocked me the most is that some of these men testify that they are true christians who are active in church, and some are even ministers. Wow! it's really hurtful and insulting. Come to think of it.. is this what the Bible taught us? is this what Jesus will do? is this what we learned from church? If we christians cannot love everyone as they are, how can we truthfully and whole heartedly tell the world about Jesus? I understand that this is a dating site and some concerns fill our minds. But seriously, if u are just looking for friends, why apply racism or generalization? This is not how TRUE CHRISTIANS think! I really hope that everyone will comprehend that not all Filipinas, not all women from Southeast Asia and Africa are 'Gold-Diggers'. I'm speaking out loud for all the women of those countries that are being looked down upon, we are not to be judged by where we come from nor by the color of our skin!

:stop: One fact that every man should know - wherever you are, you are surrounded by women who are users. They are everywhere, and, yes, even in first world countries. If you were used by a Filipina for money, probably married you only for the visa, I'm sorry for what happened but u should come to realize that that's an isolated case. NOT ALL women from the Philippines have that intentions.

:prayingm: Don't get me wrong, I completely understand guys who want women from within their radar and that each and everyone has his own preferences. But those guys who put comments like "i don't want to meet women from the Philippines because i don't want drama, i don't want someone to beg me for money, i won't petition anyone, NO Gold-diggers!" This message is for you, I hope you take the time to read the verses below and I pray to God that He'll instill realizations in you.

James 4:11-12 ESV

Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?

Galatians 5:14 ESV

For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: �You shall love your neighbor as yourself.�

God Bless!

:angel: :angel: :angel:

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 12 Jan, 2011 07:35 AM

I said"'to many, many people the United states is heaven on earth" I did not say it was heaven on earth.

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 12 Jan, 2011 09:54 AM


nice to hear from u again! yes, i am just curious if mr. itasca thinks that everyone wants to live in US.. hmm? thanx for that saying! wish i could help u sort them out.. :ROFL:


ok, i understand dennis


Thanks! u are awesome.. :laugh:


Thanks for the story! I think that US citizens are blessed because they have a more reliable government and a more steady economy. But still, there are many citizens who struggle everyday, and that's not how they described heaven, definitely not heaven on earth.


I don't want to argue, but im sure not all mexicans agree to that. I have relatives in Texas who told me that some mexicans there turn to stealing because they can't find stable jobs. how about that?

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 12 Jan, 2011 11:24 AM

Sounds like Mexicans (all good God fearing Catholics) , they sneak across our border then they steal, deal drugs , abuse alcohol and drugs and commit violent crimes and then have the audacity to complain about what the United states government hasn't done for them. . The men father children and abandon them for the tax payer to support. Don't talk to me about the noble Mexicans.

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 12 Jan, 2011 12:04 PM


One cannot blame the Mexicans. It is our "own" government that does not enforce the laws because they have sold out to big business, corporations. and New World Order idealogy. Mexicans = Cheap Exploitable Labor, to be used as a tool to break Unions and bring our economy down so that it will be on a equal footing with the third world countries of the earth.

Trust me, I am not speaking from a isolated perspective. I am greatly impacted because of illegal immigration. Not only is work scarce and low paying, but there are a number of stores in my town that if you don't speak spanish you can not communicate. White Americans are treated with distain and attitude by some our Own Country! Many declare publicly they are taking California back......this is no less than a declaration of war! Yet our goverment does nothing! It is the fault of our goverment using the Mexicans as a tool to accomplish their desired purpose.

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 12 Jan, 2011 07:20 PM


Do u belittle Mexicans? and Catholics too? this is not cool! can u at least give them some respect as human beings? and respect for what they believe in? From ur line 'Don't talk to me about the noble Mexicans', im beginning to think that ur one BIG racist!


I do believe that some mexicans are being used, and that ur government should do something about it.

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 11:39 AM

A true christian understands that all souls need jesus. also, any person can get saved. We need to serve God first then our country. As a Christian I can not and will not condon attacks on any people because of there origin. We are to love all.

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 06:09 PM

DG! :applause:

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 14 Jan, 2011 12:45 AM


Amen to that! :angel:

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 5 Mar, 2011 08:25 AM


you are taking verses in the bible right out of contact, the verse in James says BROTHERS , IE speaking of them that are truly born again Christians, you can not apply this verse to some note i said some not all Filipinos, because i to have had lots of Filipinos on this site get in touch with me , and with in 2minutes of talking there asking would i marry them?????????? come on !!!!!!!!!!!!!but you know there looking either passport, then there are them that give you the sad story either about there nanay in hospital being ill and needing money for meds, or they have a toothache, and nead money for dentist, these people are scamers, and not true christian so how can you call them brethren???? just a thought

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 5 Mar, 2011 08:25 AM


you are taking verses in the bible right out of contact, the verse in James says BROTHERS , IE speaking of them that are truly born again Christians, you can not apply this verse to some note i said some not all Filipinos, because i to have had lots of Filipinos on this site get in touch with me , and with in 2minutes of talking there asking would i marry them?????????? come on !!!!!!!!!!!!!but you know there looking either passport, then there are them that give you the sad story either about there nanay in hospital being ill and needing money for meds, or they have a toothache, and nead money for dentist, these people are scamers, and not true christian so how can you call them brethren???? just a thought

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