Author Thread: Body piercings and Tattoos

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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 9 Nov, 2010 10:05 PM

I would like to hear from you guys/gals about Christians having a lot of body piercings and tattoos.

I went to my Taebo class this morning and was surprised to see a lady who claims to be a Christian,got a tattoo and had her bb pierced. Personally I don't like tattoos. It's a turn off to me.It would be ok if she had it before getting saved because as we believe,accept Jesus as Lord and savior the old is gone and the new us has come.

Can't wait to read your posts.:peace

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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 26 Nov, 2010 09:22 AM

I would put this into the category of "personas". Who is it we say we are to the world? (I draw a distinction between a newcomer to the church and a regular believer) - but I see people in church all the time that have built a persona around themselves. They might wear a baseball cap sideways, or wear all red, or were something a little too revealing, or were biker garb, etc, etc. Those are all building an identity, alligning oneself with a subculture or group of people. I think tattoos do the same thing. "hey I am hip, I have a tattoo". I think it all needs to be taken into the context of what we display to the world and who we say we are and who we say we belong to. Now I am not saying as Christians we have to all walk around in brown robes, but I do think we should abstain from building identities other than that of being in Christ. Just my two cents.

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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 6 Dec, 2010 02:01 PM

I am 51, and I got my only tattoo at 40. It is a small "Ridley Sea Turtle." It is on the outside of my left ankle. I like it. 3 colors, 20 minutes, and it burned a bit.

I got it to do something different. I had not wanted a tattoo all my life. I did not do it to impress anybody.

Have you ever noticed that when the environment is in trouble, aquatic sea creatures (both salt and fresh) suffer first. We know there is something wrong when sea critters display distress. It is such a horrible common practice to "hide" mistakes in a body of water. For quite a while, we were the only civilized nation that actually encouraged and approved of offshore dumping...of ANYTHING! I hardly consider that being a good steward of the earth that the Lord gave us.

When I was in college in Florida in the 70's, in Melbourne the turtles would come ashore and lay their eggs. Many college kids would "patrol" the nests and shores at night just to keep watch. The nests were disturbed by kids just creating mischief, to ethnic people gathering them for consumption or rituals. The turtles are considered delicacies and the shells are considered prizes. Then there were those who were just brutal to be brutal. I personally never saw a turtle onshore.

So, I got the tattoo for my own personal reasons: I thank God for His Creation, and I acknowledge the role turtles and other aquatic animals have in our environment.

I have tried to download a picture of the tattoo, but I cannot adjust the size so it will fit and can be seen.

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