As a Catholic, I believe that artificial contraception is morally unacceptable. There are several reasons why I hold this belief, but I can get to those as time goes by.
My question is: how do most Protestants and evangelicals feel about the issue? In other words, why do you find it acceptable (assuming some of you do - I recognize that not all Protestants practice birth control)?
is not schizophrenic! He does not give one person one interpretation and another a different one! So when we have different of us has to be incorrect.
Jesus left everything with His Apostles and with His Church. That Church is still standing...Christ promised She would not fall. Find Her and you will find The Pillar and Foundation of Truth!
But anyway...we are still Brothers and Sisters. about a Group Hug!!
No, He isn't schizophrenic, but I think it should be pretty obvious that He does not blast us with every piece of knowledge when we're first converted. He leads us into all truth, and sometimes it takes a lifetime. But I'm sure when you were converted you knew everything:rolleyes:. All I'm saying is, conversion isn't based on knowledge. It's based on faith. People come to God at different points in their lives, and just because they don't know all the theological points that doesn't mean they aren't saved and walking in the truth they have received.
If I have a question about Scripture -- I go to The Church that has had The Truth from the begining. Everyone else finds other Christian that believe the same way and claim they are right.
Maybe, but....ack....nevermind...all I'm going to say is, look closely at your beliefs and make sure you're following God's commands/ways and not man's decrees/commands. Men do not get to decide what is truth and what God's commands are.
not written down! John tells us that there where many things. What happened to those things that Christ told His Apostles...were they lost or forgottened?
No...they were passed on to TRUSTWORTHY Elders...Presbyters...Ordained Priests. This became Sacred Tradition...The Oral Revelation from God.
Everything The Apostles needed to be able to answer any question of Faith and Morals was given to them by Christ and The Holy Spirit. This Full Deposit of Faith has been SafeGuarded by The Church and it is what was used to decide which Books and Letters were to be included in The New Testament.
Men decide what Practices or Disciplines to use or do, but Doctrine was given by Christ.
If you were to go back in time to 30 years after Christ's Death and sit in on Mass at one of the Churches of that time and if you were to say to them
"Wait...where in Scripture does it say to do that? That is not right!"
Your answer would probably be
"I don't know whom you are, but I was a boy when Paul the Apostle came and taught us how to present The Mass. I would rather believe Paul then you."
Foe over 1500 years there was no vast outcry about The Catholic Church and what She taught. Every 100 years or so there would be some confusion and a Council would be formed and eventually a Definition would come out of that Council defining the subject that was being debated. Everyone would except that definition.
It was only in recent years that much misunderstanding has been spread and propergated about.
I would gladly attempt to explain and answer any question.
God says in HIS WORD that in all matters of conscience believers are to consult HIS WORD, not his Word Readers (the "Church", the not yet perfect bride of Christ).
We are each and every born again believer held accountable to our Holy Father as His child for acting as we believe He has said to do (or not do to) through our own study of HIS Holy Spirit Inspired, Living, AND UNERRING WORD.
If I cannot find a a specific final word of Scripture for something that seems to be unique to me, to modern science or to my culture, then I am to search HIS WORD for the most appropriate g e n e r a l guidance that applies. As I do this, I share and listen to HIM (prayer); and He leads me to HIS WILL through more of HIS WORD. Sometimes my other brothers and sisters know or can suggest where relevant Scriptures are located. Sometimes I am told to WAIT which means I may not get to ACT until I get an ANSWER. {Am I the only one who always gets one eventually? Don't leave me out here, dear family!}
Shockingly enough, I see this pattern of scripture, especially in the New Testament: "When in doubt, raise the bar!" Do I love most of the examples Jesus gives regarding "raising the bar"? Uh . . . not so much. And so I see where I fall short of the mark . . . .
:ROFL: So now we just assume that Paul taught those things?? You'd think that the catholic church would have included an early apostles writings in the bible then, wouldn't ya'? What about the beliefs that go against the bible? Sorry dude...can't believe offense...
things that Jesus taught His Apostles that were not written down in Scripture? Things that The Holy Spirit made "clear" to them? If these things were held inviolate by "trustworthy elders" would you treat this knowledge?
Every church "preaches" certain things that are "different" than other churches. How or why is that so? For over 1500 years there was only One Truth...One Church. Today there are over 30,000 different churches all based on Scripture.
Jesus wanted us to be "one, as I am One with my Father."
The dark one has "split and splintered" us using our "Higher Faculties" and Ego. We refuse to submit to Authority and leave churches at a whim and search for others that agree with our take on Scripture and start our own church. We lower The Bar...The Standards that God has set for us in order to "fool" ourselves into thinking that we are "good" Christians. All the while the great deciever is howling with glee at our childish attempts to "play at church".
Christ layed out for all how he wants us to worship. When Christ said
"...if you do not Eat of My Flesh and Drink of My Blood -- you have NO LIFE IN YOU."
Many walked away from Him! Jesus did not go after them! WHY? If it was all a misunderstanding...why did He not go after them and explain? They were the Proto-Protestants. The first to break off and start their own religion based on Christ's Teachings.
There were dozens of Agnostic Branches with their own brand of Christian Religion.
Think about this...You accept The Catholic Church's Authority on putting together The New Testament, yet you balk at everything else about Her and claim that Christ's Bride is not worthy of His Love?
As long as man is involved...there will be "stumbles and falls", but His Bride will remain Inviolate until His Return and not one thing will be changed in The Full Deposit of Faith left with Her.
I am not a Catholic because of the men or women in The Church, but because She has The Sacraments and The Body and Blood of CHRIST.
"Think about this...You accept The Catholic Church's Authority on putting together The New Testament."
Yes I do, but I think it was more "God's authority"...and I really don't think the current belief system of the catholic church had anything to do with it, because if they did, they left so much contradiction and no support for their own beliefs in the bible when they had the chance to put whatever they wanted in there.