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Author Thread: control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?

control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 8 Jul, 2012 03:12 PM

so I get this wink by a very beautiful women and I send her back this message.....

yea are gorgeous,what do you want with an old fat head like me?

and this is the meswsage she sends back to me....

Hmm I don't like the attitude, not very positive. Sorry to bother you.

No need to reply. I think we had a brief contact once before and it was similar. I should have learned the first time.


Ok,first of all I have quite a sarcastic.but harmless sense of humor.So from my response to her do you see that she haqs jumped to conclusions or maybe I'm sending out some weird voodoo? which would really be a joke to anyone who knows me!I'm a playful guy whoies usually .For sopme reason I justreally feal this lady is playing games here and maybe I shoiuld just report her?

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 17 Jul, 2012 03:23 AM

No. See, the thing is, I can't. I legitimately don't know how. Neither do you, apparently, since you can't answer a simple question.

I actually had a photo and I'm not sure what happened to it. It's irrelevant to the issue at hand. Stop changing the subject and back up your claims. You complain about everyone else on this forum "harassing" you and "insulting" you and you've done that more than anyone else - and quite badly, I might point out, because you throw out insults like a twelve year old. They don't have any basis. At least everyone else is arguing with what you actually said, instead of ignoring the actual conversation and changing the subject.

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 17 Jul, 2012 04:48 AM

This is going nowhere and is just a waste of time! Your exagerations are just draining!

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 17 Jul, 2012 05:02 AM

I think it's funny that the title of this string is "control freak or just jumping to conclusions" :ROFL:

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 17 Jul, 2012 05:12 AM

and in what way do you find that funny?

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 17 Jul, 2012 05:17 AM

lemme guess,a little more fuel for the fire? nothing better to do than chime in here with your negative inuendo?Is your life really that miserable that you have to come here and harrass people or was that too your friend that was banned from the site?


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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 17 Jul, 2012 05:30 AM

Whoa! Your response to trustandbelieve seems unduly harsh. I agree that there is a certain irony here as I, for one, do see some control issues being evidenced.

Come on children; let's play nicely!


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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 17 Jul, 2012 09:34 AM

Good stuff Mike, God has a mate for those he chooses to be married. Not every one will appreciate your good humor.

i am one who has been subject to bains poor behavior, i was told by him on more than one occasion to " shut up" . He along with girl need alot of prayer, and God's grace.

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