Author Thread: Racism or Generalization?

Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 4 Jan, 2011 10:31 AM

I was surprised to see that there are a lot of wonderful christian men out here! But sadly, I've read many profiles of men who doesn't want to meet women from my country (the Philippines), and some doesn't want women from Southeast Asia and Africa. What shocked me the most is that some of these men testify that they are true christians who are active in church, and some are even ministers. Wow! it's really hurtful and insulting. Come to think of it.. is this what the Bible taught us? is this what Jesus will do? is this what we learned from church? If we christians cannot love everyone as they are, how can we truthfully and whole heartedly tell the world about Jesus? I understand that this is a dating site and some concerns fill our minds. But seriously, if u are just looking for friends, why apply racism or generalization? This is not how TRUE CHRISTIANS think! I really hope that everyone will comprehend that not all Filipinas, not all women from Southeast Asia and Africa are 'Gold-Diggers'. I'm speaking out loud for all the women of those countries that are being looked down upon, we are not to be judged by where we come from nor by the color of our skin!

:stop: One fact that every man should know - wherever you are, you are surrounded by women who are users. They are everywhere, and, yes, even in first world countries. If you were used by a Filipina for money, probably married you only for the visa, I'm sorry for what happened but u should come to realize that that's an isolated case. NOT ALL women from the Philippines have that intentions.

:prayingm: Don't get me wrong, I completely understand guys who want women from within their radar and that each and everyone has his own preferences. But those guys who put comments like "i don't want to meet women from the Philippines because i don't want drama, i don't want someone to beg me for money, i won't petition anyone, NO Gold-diggers!" This message is for you, I hope you take the time to read the verses below and I pray to God that He'll instill realizations in you.

James 4:11-12 ESV

Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?

Galatians 5:14 ESV

For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: �You shall love your neighbor as yourself.�

God Bless!

:angel: :angel: :angel:

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 7 Jan, 2011 03:15 PM

Blessed are the humble...

It is the sin of pride that makes us think and believe we deserve...

I was a project coordinator when our new manager a foreign national at the office approached me businesslike, Mercy can you babysit for me? Just going out for a night life all you need to do is sit there and watch tv the kids are in their rooms sleeping. Among us girls in the office he chose me and I did that for him couple of times. One day at the office he was surprised to learn I was a registered engineer, and he said, why you did not told me I thought you were just one of the secretaries. Well, you did not asked. Anyway I did enjoyed watching over his kids, they are angels, and I love watching him and his wife so in love with each other in their gestures, talk, looks, oh my.

When he was assigned to other country he invited me to work for him there but I just can't leave my teenage girls that time.

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 7 Jan, 2011 05:55 PM

I am open for friendship ladies,only.

email me ok.Dennis

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 7 Jan, 2011 06:38 PM

For Ria

I just want to say that you are correct in what you have said about the negative notation that men have put on their sites concerning Filipino women. I am sadden to know that this happens and I commend you for starting this discussion. This is a very touchy subject, but you have started this discussion and I would like to participate.

I think majority of American men are very shallow and ignorant and do not know what a Filipina women can bring to a marriage. I not only think Filipina women are great women, but Taiwan women and the women from some of the latin countries make great wives. I have know many Filipina women and not all Filipina women are the same. I believe only meet a small percentage of them are gold diggers and are only interested in money. I think that the percentage of gold digging American women is much higher than in the Philippines.

I do understand that some men, maybe have been taken advantage of by some of these woman and have very negative feelings for Filipina women. These men need to realize that not all the Filipinas are not like that, and these men need to remove these negative messages.

I really do not want to meet an American women on this site, but what I want and what God wants may be two different things. God knows what is best for me and I want to meet the women God has for me. I want her to fall in love with me and how I think. I do not want the fact that I am good looking and have a great body influence her decision. When I get older I could get fat and I could get in a car accident and my good looks could go away. What then?

Anyways, I personally prefer Asian, Latinas and women from Span, but I would never put a negative comment of any race on my web site. I can not believe Christian men on this site do this kind of thing. I am appalled

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 7 Jan, 2011 08:28 PM

Tell me Ria. Do you prefer getting to know Filipinos, Russians , Americans or people from Canada?

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 7 Jan, 2011 11:24 PM

@twosparrows: oh this is a free site? LOL yes, i agree to that!

@Mercymay: it means he trusts u.. hope he paid u well.. LOL

@dgrimater: do u mean friendship only? or ladies only?

@maney: Thanks, I really appreciate ur message. Of course, anyone who wants to participate is welcome even if he/she has a different point of view. "These men need to realize that not all Filipinas are not like that, and these men need to remove these negative messages." Amen to that! As to what u said that there are probably more gold-diggers in US, what made u say that? the way i see it, maybe it's possible because u have a larger population. Whatever country u go to, there are bad and good women. Indeed, God knows what's best for u, so open ur heart because he may have prepared an american woman for u! Now about me, I am open to all men of any race and any age for friendship as long as they have good intentions. But if ur wondering who i'm going to date? Of course I can't just date anyone, initial talking and meeting is necessary, but of course that's impossible if he's too far from me.

:applause: :applause: :applause:

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 03:47 PM

Yes Ria, he did paid me so well though I would love to watch over their kids for free... they are angels.

You may understand what I mean by checking on their albums at by a member, thedorrells

Oh by the way, while I was at their luxurious condo when his wife's parents were visiting, I was surprised to find the grey haired father washing the dishes. In our middle class and upper class we will never find fathers doing that, do we?

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 11:15 PM

Mercymay, i saw their family picture.. and oh yes the kids are adorable! You mean the father of the wife? Wow that's rare! He's a good catch! Maybe i should date his son.. :laugh:

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 9 Jan, 2011 03:40 PM

Sorry Ria, you can�t possibly date their 11 year old son. As for the grey haired father, his grey haired wife was there also and I saw how they loved each other just like their daughter and my employer, in their gestures, talk, they way they look at each other, you know what I mean? looks that has respect, adoration, high regard, nothing plastic.

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 9 Jan, 2011 06:12 PM

I don't have anything listed negatively in my profile, but in my settings, only people in this country can contact me. I was having an overwhelming amount of foreign women contacting me and instead of telling them I'm not looking for foreign long distance relationship, I nipped it in the butt, so I can concentrate on what I am looking for.

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 10 Jan, 2011 04:32 AM

I agree with you to a certain degree. However, if I was you I wouldn't take it personally. People have preferences, for example: I am from Iraq and so I am looking for an Iraqi/Middle Eastern wife because my culture, food, tradition, and language are important to me. Of course if God leads me to someone else I wouldn't say "no" to Him. I also understand that Caucasian girls, for example, are unlikely to be attracted or open to marrying an Iraqi man, but I don't take this personally and I wouldn't call it racism.

I would say most of the time it is not an issue of racism but of preference and compatibility.

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