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Author Thread: control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?

control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 8 Jul, 2012 03:12 PM

so I get this wink by a very beautiful women and I send her back this message.....

yea are gorgeous,what do you want with an old fat head like me?

and this is the meswsage she sends back to me....

Hmm I don't like the attitude, not very positive. Sorry to bother you.

No need to reply. I think we had a brief contact once before and it was similar. I should have learned the first time.


Ok,first of all I have quite a sarcastic.but harmless sense of humor.So from my response to her do you see that she haqs jumped to conclusions or maybe I'm sending out some weird voodoo? which would really be a joke to anyone who knows me!I'm a playful guy whoies usually .For sopme reason I justreally feal this lady is playing games here and maybe I shoiuld just report her?

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 16 Jul, 2012 06:07 PM

Please cite where I said "shut up."

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 16 Jul, 2012 06:18 PM

I'de invite anyone questioning that statement tou view his history and see for yourself.

now if I haven't answered your origional question to your liking try this one.Appearantly the powers that be around here agreed with me and rectified the situation.I see no need to waste any of my time arguing the matter with you.

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 16 Jul, 2012 06:29 PM

I'll make it easy on them:

Last 5 BainWinslow Forum Posts

control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?

Please cite where I said "shut up."...

control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means....

control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?

Believe what you want.

What part of questioning why you're so insecure is "haras...

Your cellphone is telling your secrets

All of this can be found with common sense and a little bit of internet detective work. The cell pho...

i support barack obama

Romans chapter one is about Jews and Gentiles and the long reaching effects of sin. Not Barack Obama...


Again I repeat. Please cite where I said "shut up."

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 16 Jul, 2012 06:51 PM

are you denying you've used those words in your messages to others in the forumn?

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 16 Jul, 2012 07:03 PM

No. I'm asking you to show me where I did. Because I honestly don't remember, though you seem to be very attentive to my actions.

Also, since you are the one saying I said it, the burden of proof is yours.

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 16 Jul, 2012 07:13 PM

no burden of proof.This is not a court of law.I found them,others will.

I wouldn't say I'm attentive as much curious.Always curious to know the motives of others.Why would someone want to go out of his way to agitate another person or talk down to another person?I read through all your messages to get a take on the character behind the innuendo.

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 16 Jul, 2012 07:23 PM

Harassing.....verb (used with object) 1. to disturb persistently; torment, as with troubles or cares; bother continually; pester; persecute. 2. to trouble by repeated attacks ...

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 16 Jul, 2012 07:51 PM

"Why would someone want to go out of his way to agitate another person or talk down to another person?"

I don't know. Why do you?

You found them how? Is there a way to search beyond the last five posts? I've yet to find it.

And no, it isn't a court of law, but if you're going to make an accusation, you have to be able to back it up and continue the conversation without changing the subject or getting defensive and insulting. So far, you've not been able to do that in this thread once. You asked for opinions and got mad when people gave them to you because they weren't what you wanted to hear. Even then, you couldn't just insult people like a normal person but had to jump straight to using Jesus as a means of belittling other people. That's extremely offensive.

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 16 Jul, 2012 08:04 PM

You can go and look up your own words yourself buddy boy.I'm no longer in a mood to exchange senseless banter with you.What did you come here to prove? That you are a better man than I? Well go talk to God about that one.You came here to defend your friend who was clearly wrong and offensive and now you are doing the same.I'm done with your foolishness!

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 16 Jul, 2012 08:18 PM

and why no photo Bain,what are you afraid of? That one of the people you like to put down may some day be in your face?

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