Author Thread: The martial arts

The martial arts
Posted : 7 Jan, 2011 04:09 PM

I realize that I may take a lot of flack here. However, I am going to state my views anyways.

Why do I a christian oppose the martial arts????

Every thing I have read says it is more about, if you do not win you are a weakling. Failure can not be accepted.

It also involves meditation where you are to open up your soul for what????????

The bible does warn us against meditation as it does invite spirits into us.

Some of the Asians use this as a form of false God worship.

God is a jealous god.

We are to have one god.

feel free to debate.


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The martial arts
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 06:26 PM

Posted from the internet :

A. Actually, according to "Mormon theology," God does not live on Kolob. Kolob means "the first creation" and is the name of the star closest to the "residence of God." It is not God's actual residence. We learn of Kolob from Abraham's account found in The Pearl of Great Price, one of the Standard Works of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

*As I said: "star closest to the residence of God"

What is really cool is these LDS sites quote the very book I have by Bruce R. McConkie, why don't you google it?

Perhaps you can google the "pre-existence" or not, I don't care. I might just for fun

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The martial arts
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 06:41 PM

Ok, FlyinHigh,

At first I was sympathic since you did not have the same reference material as I. However I have surfed the web and in a few minutes realized there is enough material available to you, to know you are as ignorant as you want to be, thereore I will no longer hinder you in your pursuit of ignorance.

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The martial arts
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 07:30 PM


Ok, FlyinHigh,

At first I was sympathic since you did not have the same reference material as I. However I have surfed the web and in a few minutes realized there is enough material available to you, to know you are as ignorant as you want to be, thereore I will no longer hinder you in your pursuit of ignorance.

Fly said:

You lied and disqualified yourself from any rational debate at the point you pulled nonsense out of the air and tried to pass it off as intellectual debate. I supplied a list of statesmen in the US house and Senate of the mormon faith that debunk the wild accusations you are attempting to make. Shame on you for attempting to perpetuate a lie.

Just to further add injury to insult 2sparrows, in order to get a degree in the state of NV you have to take a class in nevada history and constitution. Mormons are discussed in detail as they are a part of the west and some of the original settlers. Seems to me you have painted yourself into the corner of religious bigotry and intolerance. Disgusting.

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The martial arts
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 07:52 PM


So if I post a list of US statemen who support abortion, gay rights or secretly practice homosexuality or pedophilia or tax evasion,is that a Goodhousekeeping Seal of Approval .....after all isn't that the argument you make?

Smoke and Mirrors

Stay with the facts, we are discussing if Mormon doctrine agreeing with Christian doctrine, not about statesmen


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The martial arts
Posted : 14 Jan, 2011 05:29 AM

I'm not here to beat my chest:glow:Just wanna say Like the new pic, Cobbler.


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The martial arts
Posted : 14 Jan, 2011 06:04 AM

Thanks Deborah.

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The martial arts
Posted : 14 Jan, 2011 02:42 PM

2sparrows said:

So if I post a list of US statemen who support abortion, gay rights or secretly practice homosexuality or pedophilia or tax evasion,is that a Goodhousekeeping Seal of Approval .....after all isn't that the argument you make?

Fly says:

So by your logic all mormons think they are going to be gods, yet you refuse to ask anyone on the list if they think they are going to become a god. That would surely debunk your bigoted and intolerant views and sweeping generalizations would it not? BTW intellectual dishonesty FOR THE SECOND time is you using logical FALLACIES such as SWEEPING GENERALIZATIONS. That is what you do and have made a false accusation of me doing. You have done it several times, does that mean you are doing it on purpose or you just have not learned was the term means yet?

2Sparrows said:

Smoke and Mirrors

Fly said:

You refused to answer if you believe catholics are chirstian either since they started christmas and the KJV said not to adorn christmas trees with decorations as I have posted previously. So do you practice christmas or not?

2sparrows said:

Stay with the facts, we are discussing if Mormon doctrine agreeing with Christian doctrine, not about statesmen

Fly said:

Statesmen that are mormon is perfectly on point and you know it because it gives you researchable figures to draw a comparative analysis to.

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The martial arts
Posted : 14 Jan, 2011 04:16 PM


you shared:

"by your logic all mormons think they are going to be gods,"

No, not by my logic, but by Mormon Doctrine : Not all Mormons will be gods, only those who attain the to the 3rd celestial kingdom through the laws and ordinances. Of course you would know this if you took the time to educate yourself, instead of defending your pride at all costs, even the at the cost of the truth.

And that was only the first sentence of your post. If I thought you were sincere I would continue, but you clearly are not educated in Mormon Theology and have no desire to be.

Further more you deduce since statesmen are Mormon it must be good, reveals you to be a believer in relative truth, not absolute truth. Therefore why even discuss with you further?

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The martial arts
Posted : 14 Jan, 2011 05:27 PM

If the best you can do is spell my name wrong when you disagree with me I am not concerned.

This is the second time you have done this in a post.

Why Do you do this? what does this prove?

does it make you feel in control?

Does it make you feel good to belittle people?

That is not how a christian behaves.

For your information I believe I have never told anyone here that I have had some bible college before. I have been here long enough not to remember if I said something before.

oh, spell my name right, ok.


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The martial arts
Posted : 14 Jan, 2011 05:49 PM


"by your logic all mormons think they are going to be gods,"

No, not by my logic, but by Mormon Doctrine : Not all Mormons will be gods, only those who attain the to the 3rd celestial kingdom through the laws and ordinances. Of course you would know this if you took the time to educate yourself, instead of defending your pride at all costs, even the at the cost of the truth.

Fly says

Not by doctrine, not possible if they follow KJV. So the mormons I studdied with teach right out of the KJV. What you have done so many times is make a SWEEPING GENERALIZION. That is intellectual dishonesty and you are guilty of it over and over.


And that was only the first sentence of your post. If I thought you were sincere I would continue, but you clearly are not educated in Mormon Theology and have no desire to be.

Fly says

That is known as an APPEAL TO AUTHORITY, another tenant of INTELLECTUAL DISHONESTY. In sociology APPEALS to a higher authority are used by serial criminals to remove responsibility from their crimes.


Further more you deduce since statesmen are Mormon it must be good, reveals you to be a believer in relative truth, not absolute truth. Therefore why even discuss with you further?

Fly says:

I said comparative analysis. This is not deductive reasoning. What you have done is assemble a STRAW MAN argument. Another tenant of INTELLECTUAL DISHONESTY.

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