Author Thread: Racism or Generalization?

Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 4 Jan, 2011 10:31 AM

I was surprised to see that there are a lot of wonderful christian men out here! But sadly, I've read many profiles of men who doesn't want to meet women from my country (the Philippines), and some doesn't want women from Southeast Asia and Africa. What shocked me the most is that some of these men testify that they are true christians who are active in church, and some are even ministers. Wow! it's really hurtful and insulting. Come to think of it.. is this what the Bible taught us? is this what Jesus will do? is this what we learned from church? If we christians cannot love everyone as they are, how can we truthfully and whole heartedly tell the world about Jesus? I understand that this is a dating site and some concerns fill our minds. But seriously, if u are just looking for friends, why apply racism or generalization? This is not how TRUE CHRISTIANS think! I really hope that everyone will comprehend that not all Filipinas, not all women from Southeast Asia and Africa are 'Gold-Diggers'. I'm speaking out loud for all the women of those countries that are being looked down upon, we are not to be judged by where we come from nor by the color of our skin!

:stop: One fact that every man should know - wherever you are, you are surrounded by women who are users. They are everywhere, and, yes, even in first world countries. If you were used by a Filipina for money, probably married you only for the visa, I'm sorry for what happened but u should come to realize that that's an isolated case. NOT ALL women from the Philippines have that intentions.

:prayingm: Don't get me wrong, I completely understand guys who want women from within their radar and that each and everyone has his own preferences. But those guys who put comments like "i don't want to meet women from the Philippines because i don't want drama, i don't want someone to beg me for money, i won't petition anyone, NO Gold-diggers!" This message is for you, I hope you take the time to read the verses below and I pray to God that He'll instill realizations in you.

James 4:11-12 ESV

Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?

Galatians 5:14 ESV

For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: �You shall love your neighbor as yourself.�

God Bless!

:angel: :angel: :angel:

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 6 Jan, 2011 01:34 AM

Well, why learn the language of the oppressor? If they have not taught us then, why now? It is waste of money to pay for units in college to learn it. Chabacano is Spanish without grammar. Those families who can speak Spanish were the chosen few puppets of the Spaniards who ruled for 300 years surrounding the churches and town plaza to protect them and oppressed fellow Filipinos. If we read their history, Spain sent their meanest elements, their trash to far away Philippines. The better ones were sent to other colonies.

In their eyes Magellan discovered the Philippines. But actually Philippines discovered Magellan and Filipinos were very hospitable and generous, and very trustful. So who are the gold diggers? the scammers? Today, some Filipinos might be scammers for a few dollars for necessity but who scammed a nation? a people?

We call it a thief ( in rags) if a few amount is involved. We call it corporation (executive in coat and tie) when billions is involved.

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 6 Jan, 2011 02:55 AM

This is way off topic mercymay.. :excited:

But anyone can learn Spanish if they want to, there's nothing wrong with that. I was kidding when I said they should bring it back, I can't see that in the near future, it's not happening. Do u hate the Spaniards? Because that's what I felt when reading history books way back in elementary days. I hated all those who oppressed our country. But it's all over now, gosh that was hundreds of years ago! Just look around u, it's a wonderful place, wonderful people. Although not everything can be perfect. We owe it to them. What I learned is that, yes, history can give us all the information we need, but we really don't know every little detail. We weren't there, we don't personally know those people mentioned in books, and some historians tend to be biased. Scammers and gold-diggers are everywhere, but it doesn't mean that we have more here in the Philippines because we're a poor nation.. What do u think?:waving:

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 6 Jan, 2011 04:09 AM

:peace: no, I don't hate Spaniards... just got carried away haha.

I really don't mind the comments knowing myself well. I am a child of God, fearfully and wonderfully made.

Those who posted unbecoming comments reflect on who they are anyway. Sometimes they really don't mean it or just don't know how to state their preferences politely. It is also fault of Filipinas who sent unwanted emails. But mind you, most of them are gays who are scammers so apology to those inconvenienced.

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 6 Jan, 2011 06:11 AM

i see.. :ROFL:

Well, as for me, I do mind the comments because they are talking about Filipinas in general. And I can't take that, they degrade our dignity as women. Whether the scammers are gays we're not sure about that. But yes, I believe Filipinas who take advantage of Westerners are at fault too.

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 6 Jan, 2011 08:29 AM

Just never mind the comments. Be stable and know we are wonderfully made no matter what a few misinformed misadventured people say. As for degrading our dignity as women, well, our own government doesn�t strongly care, so who cares.

My daughter was approached by a gay, a thousand pesos for 1 minute appearance on webcam, can you imagine? His chatmate will not send money anymore if she/he could not appear on webcam for a minute and his profile photo look like my daughter. Those scammers are branding the sincere ones this bad name. For the guys, if she could not appear on webcam anytime, chances are his model is not always available. Some gays are also are prettier than women, I have seen some so much prettier than me, oh my. When I was at internet cafe I have seen old women chatting with the webcam focused on a young woman nearby appearing to be the one chatting. How is that? So many scamming ways for the desperate takers. May God grant them discernment to spare them from heartaches.

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 6 Jan, 2011 12:24 PM

MerceyMay and Ria,

Thank you for communicating publicly, it was very very interesting being a westerner to read your conversation. It was a real eye opener, esp. about spain and america! Ria, your father shouldn't feel bad...the american cooperations treat their america employees in america the exact same way.

Thanks ladies!

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 7 Jan, 2011 06:40 AM


american cooperations really do that? tsk3x, but maybe not all.. or else we'll be generalizing.. LOL! ur welcome anytime, if u have questions go ahead, u have two historians here.. :laugh:

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 7 Jan, 2011 08:15 AM

:stop: Correction: american corporations.. :laugh:

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 7 Jan, 2011 08:23 AM

:stop: That was a correction to myself twosparrows.. cooperations is correct anyways.. :laugh: why is there no delete option for a reply??? grrr

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 7 Jan, 2011 11:10 AM

Ria, what do you expect from.a free site? Opps, there I go again generalizing!

* My correction = Many many american cooperations do that to american employees in america. And I think it is really stupid, because it affects company morale and cuts down on production : the very opposite of what a corporation strives for!

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