Author Thread: Body piercings and Tattoos

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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 9 Nov, 2010 10:05 PM

I would like to hear from you guys/gals about Christians having a lot of body piercings and tattoos.

I went to my Taebo class this morning and was surprised to see a lady who claims to be a Christian,got a tattoo and had her bb pierced. Personally I don't like tattoos. It's a turn off to me.It would be ok if she had it before getting saved because as we believe,accept Jesus as Lord and savior the old is gone and the new us has come.

Can't wait to read your posts.:peace

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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 13 Nov, 2010 08:47 PM

I have a tattoo of an angelfish (that's right, hubbarddebra99) on my lower right stomach whose "fins" extend over my hipbone. While I didn't have such an eloquent reason as yours, I will consider stealing it from you. :excited: Anyway, I got the tattoo when I was a bit past 18, and had spent about a year thinking about it and months designing it. I wanted to get it in a spot where it would be hidden away so nobody would have to know and that I could wear just about anything without it showing. Plus, I figured, if I was wearing something that allowed my stomach to show, I already wouldn't be looking very classy. :goofball: While I love my own tattoo, I find I can still be judgmental of other people's tattoos. A girl in one of my classes (she has since dropped out) had a bright, bright pink Hello Kitty face... on her neck... right by her jaw... where it is always right there staring at you with its beady little eyes....

I agree that it is mostly an issue of what you had in your heart when you got it. I wanted a fun little stamp and means by which my family and friends could identify me if somebody were to try to assume my life and identity. Trust me, it's no ordinary angelfish, it would be hard to copy.

Piercings/tattoos bother me when they are hugely attention seeking (like twosparrows Taco Bell experience) or offensive. I'll never forget when my car alarm wouldn't go off while I was in an openly KKK town south of the tracks, and a man on a mo-ped came over to help me. While he was messing around under the hood of my car, I noticed an upside-down tattoo on his leg and checked it out.... It was a pornographic tattoo of a busty woman in a torture situation hanging upside down from an invisible ceiling. He was a super nice guy, though, got my car to shut up.

Also, my brother is a sailor and loves to spend copious amounts of money on decorating his body. Oh, accurate stereotypes... :goofball:

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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 13 Nov, 2010 09:17 PM

Gotta agree ; there is nothing worse than a tatto with "beadie little eyes"


I tell you a deal breaker: I once dated this girl for about 3 weeks. One day she wore tube top and I noticed a tatto of the "grim reaper" on her right shoulder blade. A tat I can handle no problem, but the grim reaper? Yeah, that was to much for me.

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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 13 Nov, 2010 09:40 PM


Sorry, just never thought I'd see the words "tasteful" and "tattoo" in the same sentence. LOL!

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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 13 Nov, 2010 10:15 PM

I keep forgetting to say: Pixy, I really dig your marriage-tattoo idea. I think that is a very cool way to signify the permanence (on this side) of your relationship.

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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 14 Nov, 2010 08:18 AM

Wow edw, looks like you're making fun of somebody. How 'tasteful'.

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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 14 Nov, 2010 09:47 AM

@Wednez: Thanks =)

@Siyli: "I wanted a fun little stamp and means by which my family and friends could identify me if somebody were to try to assume my life and identity." -- I've thought that too!! I thought I was being all paranoid and crazy, but since you think that too, then it's all good =)

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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 14 Nov, 2010 10:26 AM

Syilii, you're 100% correct and I do apologize. Sometimes in the middle of the night I do tend to forget who I am and tend to "speak" without thinking about who my words may affect.

My reference was totally out of line and uncalled for.

I still have to remind myself sometimes that mine isn't the only opinion that matters.

I do have some rather strong opinions on certain subjects that aren't shared with others. We all interpret the words of the Bible differently, which can be a good thing sometimes I guess.

You're comment reminded me of a similar circumstance on another page where I let my fingers get away from me and I try not to do that anymore.

Once again, the opinion I expressed earlier on the subject of tattoos are just that. My opinion. Im sincerely sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings.


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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 15 Nov, 2010 02:28 PM

tattoos- :ROFL:

To all of you. This is way too much for me to handle. Dennis

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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 17 Nov, 2010 01:28 AM

Hello to all who have responded to this post.Thank you for doing so.This is not about who interprets the Word correctly and who is going to heaven or not.( because of having body piercings and tattoos).I ask for your thoughts and I got what I asked for,and agian thank you .Now I know how to deal with people who have tattoos with out sounding judgemental .I would be alot bettwer around them for sure .GOD BLESS YOU GUYS AND GALS..

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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 19 Nov, 2010 09:28 AM

Hmm, the one problem with Christians vs. The Bible in today's age is that everyone reads scripture with one purpose in mind: to prove that what they already believe is true. We can each point to scripture that "supports" our beliefs and say, "Well, I'm right because the Bible says I am." Then people start to argue about interpretation and context, and we all get so mixed up in what's theologically right or wrong that we forget about the importance of our relationships with God.

If your heart is right with God, then you will want to please and glorify Him in all that you do. If you're questioning whether a tattoo or piercing is a sin or not, trust and rely on your knowledge of God's being, your relationship with Him, and the convictions of the Holy Spirit to guide you rather than the interpretation of the Bible by other men and women. And when you read the Bible and read these non-specific passages, keep an open mind and heart; allow God to direct your conclusion instead of your previously-formed opinion.

Also, keep in mind that regarding all the laws and commandments given to us in the Bible, the law itself is not nearly as important as why God gave it. God banned Moses from entering the Promised Land because he struck a rock. Does that mean that it drives God crazy when humans go around beating up helpless rocks? Um, no. God banned Moses from the Promised Land because by striking the rock that brought forth water for the dehydrated Israelites, Moses was attempting to bring glory to himself instead of God.

Hope this helps you reason out the questions you have.

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