Author Thread: The sin of divorce?

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The sin of divorce?
Posted : 17 Oct, 2010 03:07 PM

In my humble opinion (IMHO), means I am open to discussion on this even desire it. We should not reject it without understanding first.

Just because someone does not agree does not mean they do not have a valid point.

Jesus pointed out a hardness of heart issue (Matthew 19:8).

I believe He was condemning hardness of heart not all divorce or all divorced people. Have you been divorced? If not how can you condemn others who are. I have found very judgmental people say divorce is a sin and sinners have no part in God's kingdom (lose their salvation?)

They say it is the sin of adultery if they marry again. Or that a divorced woman who marries another man is condemning him to hell because it is a perpetual adultery. So she should divorce the second husband and go back to the first one even if he does not want her. When he refuses, She is then told to pray and wait for his salvation to be joined back together in God's eyes. But possibly be celebrate the rest of her life. she will become a "marriage martyr" never to experience the true love marriage was meant to be. If the husband then demands money for her freedom, because she is his property, it looks very much like what has continued to this day in Judaism. The marriage martyr is called a chained wife. The Hebrew word is "agunah" and continues even to this day. check it out for yourself. This IMHO it is hardness of heart. When Jesus was asked about the the Mosaic Law, I believe this is the hardness of heart He was speaking of. Not all men put away their wives and then demand money before they grant a get (divorce) paper to marry again. Jesus was not speaking to people suffering from divorce but Pharisees seeking to trip Him up concerning the Law. So we should not condemn divorce either.

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The sin of divorce?
Posted : 3 Dec, 2010 11:47 AM


If you really want to kick the booze you need a accountability buddy and YES , the reformed alcoholic is the best choice for that.

As for divorce, I do not believe it to be some illness or bad habit. I do not buy into the notion all divorce is a sin. Who gets married thinking they will ever divorce?

The O.T. reference "God hates divorce," (Mali 2:14) has been "Mistranslated" to mean God hates all divorce. It is simply not true. This newer, dead sea scroll translation makes more sense understanding the entire divorce debate. And keep in mind Jesus likely used the DSS as HE read Isaiah in Luke 4.

...."He that hates and puts away covers his mind with violence as with a garment." (Mal 2:16).

This is a warning to any who divorce in an unloving way. Because there are other reasons people divorce or become victums of divorce. Keep in mind Malchi was the prophet while Ezra was telling Israel to divorce pagan wives, Ezra 10:3.

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The sin of divorce?
Posted : 3 Dec, 2010 11:51 AM

Thanks Catherine:

I agree matters of the heart are meant to be private and most intimate between God and every believer. When some think they know something (The sin in the garden) and push it on others is to not see their own :applause:

Daves7days :waving:

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The sin of divorce?
Posted : 4 Dec, 2010 04:29 AM


You get an A+ in Scripture Twisting 101. Just exactly which parts of the Bible are incorrect? How bout when Jesus said to repent? Mistake? Mistranslation?

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The sin of divorce?
Posted : 4 Dec, 2010 04:33 AM


In Ezra, were they allowed to remarry? Possibly. I don't know, but I didn't see it there. What do your heretical catholic translations say?

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The sin of divorce?
Posted : 6 Dec, 2010 01:01 PM


As you know the Masoetic text (KJV) and the The LXX (Septuagint) do not always agree. The "God hates divorce" (Masoetic text) has been used and abused to imply God hates all divorce and therefore divorce is not an option. And this is what I believed until I through no fault of my own became a victim of divorce.

The Dead Sea Scrolls agree with the most accurate version says,"For the man who does not love his wife but divorces her, says the LORD, the God of Israel, covers his garment with violence, says the LORD of hosts." (Malachi 2:16 ESV),

The KJV says "God hates divorce" but an earlier version, the Dead Sea Scrolls agrees with the LLX and, says he who hates and puts away covers his mind with violence as with a garment.

To me, hat would seem to be the hard hearted issue Jesus spoke of.

The account of Ezra (Ez.10:3) was a covenant made to divorce pagan wives. The bigger picture was for returning Judah, known as Jews, to contiue the line of David and fulfil the prophetic birth of the Messiah.

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The sin of divorce?
Posted : 7 Dec, 2010 03:38 AM

It has been discussed here tho not promoted, there are biblical divorce.

Why is it that the Catholic church is strongly against divorce? They have greatly influenced our laws that there are lots of couples here separated for decades from their originally wedded partners and living/formed another family with another partner undocumented (cannot remarry and have no legal rights). I see this church more strict than the bible and the Lord.

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The sin of divorce?
Posted : 7 Dec, 2010 09:55 AM

I do not know about Catholic divorce. I am not Catholic. But they do have it too. The idea of divorce can never be truly examined unless you know what a marriage is. now the legal system that says if you are truly married is considering same sex marriage as part of it's definition.

IMHO, Man's ritual marriage is not what "God has joined together," as Jesus said.

The power invested in me to marry people does not come from God but from apiece of paper you can get free on the internet.

The traditions of man came after God's joining them together by creating them male and female. Catholic divorce,Jewish divorce or Christian divorce have missed the mark as a ministry to any people today. :yay:

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The sin of divorce?
Posted : 9 Dec, 2010 08:59 PM


"the most accurate version-the ESV." :ROFL:

Good one, man. I thought for a second you were serious. :laugh:


As all new Bible versions, the ESV �preface� boldly compares itself to the old KJV. And as all new Bibles claim the ESV is just another Bible in the succession and lineage of the King James Bible. And as all new versions innocently claim, it is just a harmless update to the outdated King James Bible. And as all new versions proudly boast, it is more accurate than the prehistoric King James Bible. And as all new versions loudly brag, it is easier to read than the archaic King James Bible. And as all new versions prove � it is simply not true. . .

The following statements from the ESV boast of their heroic deeds:

�Would you believe it took nearly 500 years to translate the ESV Bible? That�s because the ESV builds on the great translations of the past�including William Tyndale�s New Testament of 1526 and the King James Version (KJV) of 1611.�

This is a lie. The ESV comes from heretical catholic manuscripts that were tossed away for being no good.

You need to retract that statement.

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The sin of divorce?
Posted : 10 Jan, 2011 08:08 AM

Could you share with me the scriptures of where someone like me, divorced, from a non-repenting, non-believing, adulterous, abusive, alcoholic man, is free to remarry? He got the divorce, i signed, it was over.

1 Corinthians 7:39: The wife is bound by the law as long as her husband liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will; only in the Lord.

Does this verse say I cant marry a Godly man, if my ex-husband, the non-believing, fornicator, adulterer, is still alive? The words, Bound by law, dont we live under grace?

Any comments will be appreciated.


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