Author Thread: Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 4 Oct, 2010 04:52 PM

Is sexual intimacy acceptable for men and women who are Christ followers? Do we have a different standard for dating? Please be able to defend your position from a biblical perspective.

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 13 Oct, 2010 11:12 AM

Itasca, the reason I used Old Testament references was because MrRow said to his knowledge it was NEVER punishable by death. As in at any point in history. I was pointing out that there was a time in history in which it was. The Jewish God of the Old Testament is the same as the Christian God of the New Testament. Also, I prefer the teachings of Jesus to the teachings of Paul :laugh: Not that both are not valuable. But even if you look at the teachings of Jesus and Paul, just because it wasn't punishable by death doesn't mean it wasn't a very serious offense against God. AND if you're going to discount Old Testament references, does that also mean you are going to discount the ten commandments? You cannot pick and choose which parts of the Bible mean something, and the Old Testament is part of the Bible.

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 13 Oct, 2010 05:22 PM

You are saying that Paul and Jesus contradict one another?

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 13 Oct, 2010 08:54 PM

LOL Nooooo, no no, not at all. I was partly just teasing Itasca because he was using references from Paul's teachings instead of Jesus's teachings. Not that there's anything at all wrong with that, and Paul likely taught on sexual immorality more times than Jesus did. It's all in the Bible and all the word of God anyway. It was just funny :) Well, to me anyway. I'm in one of those moods this week, hehe.

The remaining part (since I was partly teasing) was because I hadn't read the very last part of Itasca's post carefully enough, so I thought he was saying that sexual sin was NOT a big deal, and Jesus says it IS a big deal (course, so does Paul). Then I did see that he said there were harsh consequences for it. I was going to post again and say I'd reread it and saw that, but I didn't want it to sound like a repeal of my entire post because it wasn't.

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 14 Oct, 2010 05:43 AM

sheperdingking you are a servant of the devil. There is a heavy price to pay for deceiving the young and I assure you that unless you repent you shall surely pay it.

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 14 Oct, 2010 05:44 AM

BEWARE! This man is a false teacher.

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 14 Oct, 2010 12:55 PM

Thank you all for the good read.You hit thetruth so well that I have no comment.Dennis

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 14 Oct, 2010 02:54 PM


These Old Testament examples are all fornication because they involve another man's wife (adultery) or a virgin playing the harlot in her fathers house. But There are some who say that even married people having sex is fornication or adultery, because re-married people are living in sin while their first spouse is alive.

Fornication from the Greek "Pornia" literally means an image of harlotry. Jesus said lust in the heart or image of harlotry on the brain is the same thing. If you marry someone with pornia on the brain you will become one with an Idolater. Marriage does not make it right. and you cannot really know how others might be in lust or in love, because it is in the heart.

But sexual intimacy, the real deal, is not sin. Fornication is not the real sexual intimacy that God created for us. IOW, There is a right way & wrong way. And the bible clearly says we should look to the good things not the bad. :waving:

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 16 Dec, 2010 06:42 AM

Only if they're married.

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 20 Dec, 2010 09:11 PM

Do as Christ would too. I believe that scripture will show to treat the person you are dating with respect and dignity. Marriage is sacred, between a man and a woman. Would you do whatever it is if Christ was watching you(which He is) He is the unseen guest and listener at all times. Run from temptation. Picture taking of another person that is personal of someone you are not married too is wrong. Also The Holy Bible is a book of standards, and principals. Not rules. Ask God, He has an answer if you truly want it!

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