Author Thread: What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?

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What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?
Posted : 15 Aug, 2010 06:00 AM

If women wearing tight jeans and other tight clothes would not tempt men to lust after them, then fetish style in sex industry would not exist. Question : What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer ?

IMODEST WOMEN WEARING MODERN CLOTHING STYLE, you probably think that this is not a big deal, but on the day of judgement you're going to have to answer for putting a stumling block for Jesus' little ones. Some men are strong, some weak. But if you would dress modesly you would not PROVOKE weak brother to stumble and commit adultery in his heart with you.

Imagine that someone tries to get rid of addction to pornography and comes to Church to pray about it and sees no difference in

apperance of Christian women than he saw when he wached wicked movies! You make Christianity look like a joke ! REPENT TILL IT'S NOT TO LATE .

If I was a wicked painter who likes to paint naked women, I would not need you to take your clothes out because I can see your body shapes clearly with the modern clothes you wear. I would just need to pick up the colour for a skin tone. You're almost the same as naked.

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What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?
Posted : 20 Sep, 2010 09:13 PM

@Mark � Back atcha :goofball:

Yes, modesty is the Christian dress code�and no, I�m not condoning or promoting Christian immodesty�but no one here has given nor do I believe they can give a concrete �standard� of what Christian modesty looks like other than one dictated by their own conscience. My question is this�are we suppose to use the dictates of our conscience to convict other people on their behavior?

You can draw the line with modesty/humility/temperance�.but, where do you draw it? And, is where you draw the line going to be the same as where the next Christian draws the line? Sins such as murder/stealing/sexual immorality are obvious�but what about the subjective sins? Three scenarios:

1. How would you feel if you saw nothing wrong with the way your wife was dressing but church elders came to you and said they thought it was immodest and wanted you to do something about it? How would you explain this to your wife?

2. If a pastor�s wife was always buying new clothes, new shoes, getting her hair done, manicure, pedicure, heavy make-up, etc.�would you go to the pastor and tell him you thought she had a pride problem?

3. An associate pastor attended a friend�s wedding out of town and word gets back to the church that he got a little happy with the champagne�would you demand he be rebuked for his intemperance?

Can�t you see you easy to would be to get caught up in these subjective sins? Which is a sin?�Which isn�t a sin?�How far do you have to go for it to be sin? Did I sin? Did she sin? What standard should we use? Should we kick them out of the church and not associate with them? We can and do become consumed. When we do, we�re living in bondage to sin�our own and everyone else�s. We are free�to live according to our conscience, to love our neighbor in Christ and not condemn them, to let the Holy Spirit sort it all out.

1 Cor. 5:11 But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat.

(I need to do more study on this scripture, but my first thought was if we lived by this no one would be at church for Wednesday night supper. :eat:) :laugh:

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What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?
Posted : 20 Sep, 2010 10:03 PM

@youngster I think sexual beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There are some men that may be sexually attracted to eyes and a smiling face�.does that mean that all women are suppose to go around with a dour look or a sack over their heads? We are responsible for lustful thoughts we think and give a foothold to�not the person we�re thinking about. Do you think God is pleased with lustful thoughts?

Either Christians we are saved by grace through our faith in Jesus Christ...we are forgiven and He loves us.

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What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?
Posted : 21 Sep, 2010 07:13 AM

"1. How would you feel if you saw nothing wrong with the way your wife was dressing but church elders came to you and said they thought it was immodest and wanted you to do something about it? How would you explain this to your wife?"

If someone pointed out to me that I was wearing something "wrong", I would check it out for myself and make sure my conscience was clean. If it was, and I went back and talked to them again and they held their ground, I would probably "submit in all humility" anyway. If I held onto my threads instead of my church family, then I deserve to be kicked out. What would be so important about my clothes that I should alienate my church family over a piece of fabric? My precious prideful "freedom" to wear "whatever I darn please"? It's vanity. Pride. Selfishness. And would I put vanity/pride/selfishness over my fellow Christians? God forbid. That isn't christian love, that would be self love(or cloth love). That would be an example of "too far" over the line one way. No christian love on my part, or at least not more than I loved my clothes.

I have had someone come up to me because my khaki church pants had a "hammer loop", but I just looked at them in silence for a couple seconds and they realized what they were doing. If that person had taken it to my church, and my church had enforced that, then they would deserve to lose a part of their church. What would be so horrible about a "hammer loop" that they would feel the need to alienate a part of their family? That would be an example of "too far" the other way. No christian love on their part, at least not more than their hatred of hammer loops in the congregation.

(If it's about my wife, they'd better talk to her. My conscience would not be her conscience. I would lead by example, but that's as bossy as I would get.)

"2. If a pastor�s wife was always buying new clothes, new shoes, getting her hair done, manicure, pedicure, heavy make-up, etc.�would you go to the pastor and tell him you thought she had a pride problem?"

It would definitely be something to talk to them about. She would be setting a bad example, and if she couldn't see it on her own, then she definitely does have a pride problem. But the church leaders should do it the right way, in a humble way, and go talk to them together in private, and see if just stopping to take a look at herself and what she was doing would be enough to affect a change.

"3. An associate pastor attended a friend�s wedding out of town and word gets back to the church that he got a little happy with the champagne�would you demand he be rebuked for his intemperance?"

Only if he felt like getting drunk a lot. If it became a pattern, would probably need to be brought up by the church leaders, in private, in humility...and if it had become a big problem for him, he should step down from his leadership position until he had a hold on himself again.

So I guess "humble christian love" is the "line".

"1 Cor. 5:11 But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat."

And that principle is not to "get rid" of those people, it's to let them see their sin. They can come back if they line themselves up with Christ again. No problems. Christian love, humility, and forgiveness. But if they choose to live in willing/open sin, then they must not be a "new creature". They would either love themselves more than God, or be denying the power of Christ to change their lives. A converted soul would say something like: "Oh, no! I'm sinning?! I must stop! It's hurting my Lord!!". Not to earn themselves any kind of righteousness....but because they love God more than they love sin/themselves.


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What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?
Posted : 21 Sep, 2010 08:28 AM

Sorry friend. These excuses are from rebellious women. Men too. Keep plugging away. Perhaps one will understand the importance of separation. Blessings.

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What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?
Posted : 21 Sep, 2010 08:30 AM

Good word Mark

None of this is about Self anyway...Self LESS say it is ALL about you is all about helping my brother become greater in the Lord...and even if it cost me everything I will do so...

Jesus sure did...he washed feet..and served..and he died for you-because he loved you that much.

If what we Wear-Do-Say-is not about Him-we just missed the mark..Do we realy need someone to tell us how to dress-what happen to the holy spirit ? Come on people pray and seek His Will.

I do not care what anyone says -you lie, if you say it is ok to dress sexy-it is also bad fruit in your life-a reflection of your own heart and walk-All it does is bring YOU attention..and this is not the will of the Lord .

There is a time and a place for everything and that is within a marriage relationship-that is the only place sex and sexy should be happening.Then you get God's blessings on it.

Who will stand for Purity in every area of there life?

I do not mean to come across harsh- I am just very passionate about my Lord.

Blessings today ALL:purpleangel:

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What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?
Posted : 21 Sep, 2010 08:39 AM

I would like a "modern" woman to give an example of any woman in the whole of the Bible that wore breeches (britches---PANTS). This is a modern invention of the last 75 years or so. Before that, women knew how to wear proper clothing.

Deut 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

Apparently God seems to think males and females have different manners of clothing to be worn.

If your husband had a conviction about the way you and him dressed, and he thought you should wear proper dresses, would you fight or submit to him? Eph 5:22, Col 3:18 Your answer will say alot.

I believe you'll soon see the light on this.

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What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?
Posted : 21 Sep, 2010 08:59 AM

Well No one wore pants, because they had no pants ...clearly the topic is not about is much deeper than that.

And brother I am not a rebelious woman nor am I sleeping..I rebuke that in the name of Yeshua

I am a very smart woman, and my whole life is about Him.. you would do well not to judge women you have never spoken with, or walked with and know face to face...that my friend is not smart nor Christ like

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What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?
Posted : 21 Sep, 2010 10:31 AM

Are you against pants?? Pants are more modest than dresses, in my opinion. Men wear pants, don't they? Are you applying a standard to one sex that isn't applied to the other?


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What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?
Posted : 21 Sep, 2010 11:33 AM

I thank all of you for an interesting discussion. You have all given me food for thought in regard to what Christians think their purpose is and how to encourage people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ ...I'll ponder it and take to the Holy Spirit.

I'll also leave you to debate the Church's stance on the modesty of pants and all Christians who wear them. I'm going to leave that one with the Holy Spirit's too big a burden for my pea brain.

@TruthSlinger: In answer to your question about a wife submitting to her husband in regards to dress, the answer is yes...they are joined together as one and he is in authority.

@Mercygrl: In regard to sexy: If you took what I said to mean that it is okay to deliberately dress sexy with the intention to seduce men, then you mistook my meaning. I apologize for not being clear...let me see if I can do better. We are all responsible for our intentions and our thought life. Sexy is's in the eye of the beholder. If a woman puts an attractive picture of herself on her profile and a man thinks it's sexy and has lustful she to blame for the lustful thoughts? No...she has no control over someone else's thought life. If it is her intention to seduce, then she is responsible for her intentions. Let each look to the Holy Spirit for guidance and control in both intention and thought...only He can truly know the heart.

God's peace...I'm out.

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What is the difference in appearance between Christian woman wearing tight clothes and fetish striptease dancer?
Posted : 21 Sep, 2010 02:51 PM


Thanks and I agree-I believe the word sexy came way before you posted.I was just speaking from all post.

And I agree with you.

We are only responsable for our own actions, and reactions..toward another...even how we dress and, what thoughts I allow to entertain in my own mind.

Men have a battle with this, becuase they are visual..however that does not mean some women do not as well...but the women who are strong in the Lord should help them as much as we can, and help teach other women.

I feel women as a whole lack a proper understanding of this topic..and this world sure does not help anyone.

Blessings and thanks for the reply :purpleangel:

�It is written:

�As surely as I live,� says the Lord,

�every knee will bow before me;

every tongue will confess to God.�

So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.

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