Author Thread: The martial arts

The martial arts
Posted : 7 Jan, 2011 04:09 PM

I realize that I may take a lot of flack here. However, I am going to state my views anyways.

Why do I a christian oppose the martial arts????

Every thing I have read says it is more about, if you do not win you are a weakling. Failure can not be accepted.

It also involves meditation where you are to open up your soul for what????????

The bible does warn us against meditation as it does invite spirits into us.

Some of the Asians use this as a form of false God worship.

God is a jealous god.

We are to have one god.

feel free to debate.


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The martial arts
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 12:20 PM

two said:


Sorry, but this might sting: Mormonism is NOT Christian. For a religion to be considered "Christian" it must profess and believe the basic foundational tenets found in Scripture. In your defense, they claim to be main stream Christianity, but it is a bold face lie to entice to believers.

Fly Said:

Mormons are christians as they believe in Jesus and teach from the KJV. They do have supplemental material but so do catholics, lutherans, and the greek orthadox church which predates KJV and protestant teachings. So by your logic the only TRUE christians are ones who follow KJV only. That's known as NO TRUE SCOTSMAN FALLACY and quite illogical.

Two said:

"God is not a man who lives on the planet circling the star Colon. He does not have a wife who He has sex with to produce spirit babies. And Jesus and Satan are not brothers "

Fly said:

That is a STRAW MAN argument, which is when you change the subject and attack it as part of the original argument. No one is talking about sex or the other things you made up in your mind.

Two said:

Need I say more?....I can if you wish.a

Fly said:

You offered a prejudiced rant with nothing behind it but your opinion. Although I am not mormon they teach from the bible and believe in JESUS. Becuase you don't believe in their version does not give you any right attempt to belittle them with false accusations.

No offense, FlyinJigh, it is not really your fault you didn't know, but now you do.

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The martial arts
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 12:36 PM

any one who believes in taking more than one wife does not folow the word. No the Mormans are not christians as jehovohs witness and several other off groups. These groups openly preach another gospel and add too the word.

jesus warned of such people. if an angel comes to you and brings another gospel that is not of jesus you are not to accept it.

The founder of islam just like Joseph Smith was appoarched by a fallen angel.

I am shocked that any so called believer could be so beguiled flying high. Mormons believe we all are Gods. I have known some as friends and talked with them.

Plus I have 1 and half years of bible college. I have studied false teachings.

Know what you are talking about. Know the facts.

We are not to add any new books on to the word of god.

the book of mormon is a false book of lies.

There are too many to list.

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The martial arts
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 02:15 PM


Your last post has proven you to be intellectualy dishonest.

I don't care for the KJV, for no other reason than the old english doesn't flow for me and It doesn't take into consideration the dead sea scrolls and other recently discovered information.

As for the Mormon church : They believe God once was a man like you and I. He now lives on the planet circling to star Colob with his wife, has sex to make spirit babies for the pre-existence to occupy babies born to men. They believe Jesus and Satan are brothers. They believe if you are a good Mormon you will become a God, create your own universe and earth, send your own savior, have a wife have sex to make your own spirit babies etc....

(I tried to be nice in my last post to give you a way out. But ole pride has raised its ugly head)

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The martial arts
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 02:23 PM

dgrimentor said:

any one who believes in taking more than one wife does not folow the word. No the Mormans are not christians as jehovohs witness and several other off groups. These groups openly preach another gospel and add too the word.

Fly said:

That is a stereotype. Polygyny was outlawed in 1890 by mormons. That is 120 years ago, how long to you intend to punish people for that?

dgrimentor said:

jesus warned of such people. if an angel comes to you and brings another gospel that is not of jesus you are not to accept it.

Fly said:

By your logic catholocism is false. For your information ALL christianity comes from catholicism. Without King James there would be no protestant church, I suggest you read the history of why the protestant church began.

dgrimentor said:

The founder of islam just like Joseph Smith was appoarched by a fallen angel.

Fly said:

Youre comparing a sect of christianity to islam? Youre using a circumstantial ad hominem with a special pleading...

dgrimentor said:

I am shocked that any so called believer could be so beguiled flying high. Mormons believe we all are Gods. I have known some as friends and talked with them.

Fly said:

That is known as an appeal to ridicule. Mormons don't believe people are gods, you are bearing false witness along with poisoning the well. Using such tactics makes you appear to be stupid.

dgrimentor said

Plus I have 1 and half years of bible college. I have studied false teachings.

Fly said:

Vanity is a sin, study some more.

dgrimentor said.

Know what you are talking about. Know the facts.

Fly said:

You don't operate on facts or logic, otherwise you would list your sources and actual text that backed up your rant.

dgrimentor said:

We are not to add any new books on to the word of god.

Fly said:

So do you practice christmas? It's a pagan holiday brought into Christianity by the catholic church in order to increase membership. KJV. says:

Jerimiah 10 2 4:

0:2 The Lord says, �Do not start following pagan religious practices. Do not be in awe of signs that occur in the sky even though the nations hold them in awe. 3 For the religion of these people is worthless. They cut down a tree in the forest, and a craftsman makes it into an idol with his tools. 4 He decorates it with overlays of silver and gold. He uses hammer and nails to fasten it together so that it will not fall over.


the book of mormon is a false book of lies.

Fly says:

Have you ever read it? You should think things out before you write them out, what verse tells you unsubstantiated rants are acceptable?


There are too many to list.

Fly says:

The first thing you study in college should have been how to write a basic paragraph:

1. first sentence is topical and the root of the paragraph

2. 2,3, and 4 are in support of your first sentence.

3. Last is the concluding sentence which ties the preceding four sentences together.

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The martial arts
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 02:35 PM

FlyinHigh, I have a challenge for you. I would like for you to say one positive thing about TwoSparrows and Dirigimater. One for each.

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The martial arts
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 02:48 PM


I wish there was something I could say to save you from yourself.

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The martial arts
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 03:43 PM

2 said:


Your last post has proven you to be intellectualy dishonest.

Fly said:

Prove it. Unsubstantiated rants are childish, so is poisoning the well without naming your source.

2 said:

I don't care for the KJV, for no other reason than the old english doesn't flow for me and It doesn't take into consideration the dead sea scrolls and other recently discovered information.

Fly said:

KJV is the standard for modern Christianity. Without King James there would be no modern version. He set the defection from the catholic church in motion.

2sparrow said:

As for the Mormon church : They believe God once was a man like you and I. He now lives on the planet circling to star Colob with his wife, has sex to make spirit babies for the pre-existence to occupy babies born to men. They believe Jesus and Satan are brothers. They believe if you are a good Mormon you will become a God, create your own universe and earth, send your own savior, have a wife have sex to make your own spirit babies etc....

Fly said;

Youre insane. They do not believe anything of the sort. They believe in the FATHER< SON and Holy ghost. Have you been to a mormon church and studied with them? If you have not, you are operating on heresay. Would you condemn a man without first hearing both sides of the story and investigating it personally?


(I tried to be nice in my last post to give you a way out. But ole pride has raised its ugly head)

Fly said:

Ad hominem attacks such as the ones you have tried to use are weak and show a lack of understand on how to use language and or the meaning of language and symbolism.

Ad hominem personal attack.


Itellectual dishonesty is using the fallacies I have listed and brought to your attention in hopes you will not repeat them. That is the definition of intellectual dishonesty. Apparently you don't have an understanding of that or what it entails. You may want to start with basic mathematics and work your way up to critical thinking.

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The martial arts
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 04:47 PM


...insane, huh?

Yes I have studied with the Mormons.

Mormon Reference Material :

Book of Mormon � 1981, 1989 edition

Doctrine and Covenants. / Pearl of Great Price � 1982, 1985 edition

Mormon Doctrine, Bruce R. McConkie � 1966 second edition


Non-Mormon Reference Material :

DVD : Lost Book of Abraham

A Ready Defense, by Josh Mcdowell

Kingdom of the Cults, by Walter Martin

Larson's Book of Cults, by Bob Larson

Understanding the Cults, by Josh Mcdowell and Don Stewart

Are you tried of getting stung yet?

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The martial arts
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 05:37 PM

2 sparrow:


...insane, huh?

Fly said:

Yes you are an insane zealot.

US senators:

Robert Bennett (R-Utah) since 1993 replaced by Mike Lee

Michael Crapo (R-Idaho) since 1999

Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) since 1977

Harry Reid (D-Nevada) since 1987

Read on

Gordon Smith (R-Oregon) since 1997


Robert Bishop (R-Utah) since 2003

Leonard Boswell (D-Iowa) since 1997

Christopher Cannon (R-Utah) since 1997

John Doolittle (R-California) since 1991

Jeff Flake (R-Arizona) since 2001

Dean Heller (R-Nevada) since 2007

Walter Herger (R-California) since 1987

James Matheson (D-Utah) since 2001

Howard McKeon (R-California) since 1993

Michael Simpson (R-Idaho) since 1999

Thomas Udall (D-New Mexico) since 1999

None of these mormon people think they are God nor do they think Jesus was anything but the son of God.

Robert Bennett (R-Utah) since 1993

Michael Crapo (R-Idaho) since 1999

Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) since 1977

Harry Reid (D-Nevada) since 1987

Read on

* Mormon Church Calls New Apostle

* The Muslim Mormon Connection

* Are Mormons Christian?

Gordon Smith (R-Oregon) since 1997


Robert Bishop (R-Utah) since 2003

Leonard Boswell (D-Iowa) since 1997

Christopher Cannon (R-Utah) since 1997

John Doolittle (R-California) since 1991

Jeff Flake (R-Arizona) since 2001

Dean Heller (R-Nevada) since 2007

Walter Herger (R-California) since 1987

James Matheson (D-Utah) since 2001

Howard McKeon (R-California) since 1993

Michael Simpson (R-Idaho) since 1999

Thomas Udall (D-New Mexico) since 1999

I hope you don't read comic books and think aliens are using them to send messages to barry obama.

Now you can go through the list above and show me any of these men who think they are god, practice polygyny, or deny Jesus as the son of God.

Convenents yeah read it

book of mormon yeah read it

Nothing in there about becoming god. They speak of being in the light with God. So as a matter of fact you poisoned the well again and lied about mormons and their doctrine and what their doctrine contains.


Are you tried of getting stung yet?

Fly said:

A grade school taunt known as argument by slogan, FAIL AGIAN. You are as bad as an atheist who has only read arguments against the bible yet never studied the word with the annointed.

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The martial arts
Posted : 13 Jan, 2011 06:05 PM


If you knew anything, "anything" about Mormon Doctrine, you would know that "all" Mormon Doctrine is not revealed to outsiders. As you work through the different levels of "laws and ordinances" in the Mormon Church, more church doctrine is revealed to you. Mormons want to appear as main stream christianity as they can. The men you listed are Mormon and Politicians, what does that prove? Except they are good Mormons.

You, know it is one thing to be ignorant and just not know, but quite another to not want to learn. Although I have actual Mormon Reference Material to back my posts you have access to the internet and this is the best you can come up with?

If you want to learn something try googling "kolob" I haven't done it yet, but will right now. Then we can see if you want to learn or beat your chest.

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