Author Thread: still rankled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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still rankled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted : 6 Jan, 2011 12:38 PM

what is a good come-back for a racist?

I was at a local restarant last night with my daughter, who is mature but inocent for her age "22". She mentioned a black guy asked her out. This is okay by me, my family is mixed, although, my daughter and i appear white. That's when an older man leaned over to our table and made a VERY racist remark!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was angry, shocked, and gave one word answers until he left us alone. i'm still P.O.!

what as Christian should i have done?

(i'm trying to forgive him)

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still rankled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 05:23 PM

People like to say when DHTM agrees with me that it is because I am his girlfriend. Does it ever occur to anyone that I am his girlfriend BECAUSE we agree with each other on things?

I haven�t accused any individual person of anything ever, everything I say is surrounded by words that try to indicate that these observations are impressions made upon me. I will admit I should have taken you personally into account, Sparrow, when making my post and put in way more words to specify that it is only true for some people, or not posted at all because I think you just want to find fault with me any more. Sparrow, you appeared to be a little sexist, and I thought you should know that and clear it up with me instead of just go my way thinking, �Oh, he is so sexist!� I was being fair to you, which you are not being to me. You are not making any good points to me, you are only making yourself look more and more of a fool in my eyes. Please give it a rest.

If you have a beef with me that makes you concerned for my character, please, feel free to message me. But from your behavior, that does not seem to be the case. It�s not doing anybody any good.

And Elisa, I am truly sorry for your predicament. � And how do you know you like Oreos if you are allergic to them? Sorry, I�m uneducated about allergies.

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still rankled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 05:48 PM

siylii-- I believe you and DHTM are going to accomplish some great things together for God. I appreciate your honesty and sincerity in all your posts. You're a wise young lady and I admire your strength.

Elisa--- what about oatmeal chocolate chip cookies?


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still rankled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 06:16 PM


DHTM and I have been having a great conversation, discussion, and agree on a majority of points. He is a good man, and I think he will bring balance to your life if you let him.

Reading your post, you are trying to make this about you and I again. It is not, it is about a post. If DHTM and I had a discussion about if I was sexist, probably the first thing we would do is compare definitions of sexism and go from there. It would probably be a short discussion, as we probably agree on more things than not.

However if you and I had the same discussion, in a few posts you would have me labeled as a wife beating dictator calling you a bra burning feminist. Ok, I did exaggerate for effect, but I hope you see the point.

Siylii, I have nothing against you or think ill of your character, we are all just people. I know you are a intelligent woman, intelligent enough to know I am right about that post. So you have to ask yourself : 'what is stopping you from agreeing?'.

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still rankled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 09:31 PM

Two...if you go back to where this started, it was an impression that she had because you seemed to be putting the whole blame on women for the marriage problems you were posting about. Instead of clearing up/explaining the confusion, you did kind of jump on her "impression", maybe not noticing it was an "impression". You pretty much called her a deceived/brainwashed feminist and she isn't, and you stated it like it was a fact and not an "opinion/impression". Now we're here, and you're the one that started the name-calling, and you're still calling her a'll probably have to get past that somehow. You've never treated her this way it's kind of weird that it's starting now, after the argument in the last thread.


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still rankled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 09:47 PM

Sparrow: I understand that you and DHTM have been exchanging among yourselves. Also, you addressed at least one post to me specifically, and I had yet to respond, so that was my (admittedly delayed) response. I admire your ability to inaccurately predict alternative realities, however. I also agree with everything Mark said, but it sounds like you are tempted to discount him as one of my minions because he is �blinded by luuuve�. You have thus far treated him much differently than you have treated me: plus, he has patience that I doubt I will ever have.

Sparrow, you have again made talking to you completely pointless. Please, read your own post, only addressed to yourself. I�m sorry this has turned into what it has and if I have in any way been sexist, racist, ageist or ignorant. I am aware not all white people of a certain age are any or all of those things, and am sorry I gave the impression that I think they all are, or that other races are exempt from being racist. It is just as much a �trend� as women my age being conditioned to feminism is to you. Sorry for upsetting you.

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still rankled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 10:59 PM

Siylii and DHTM,

Lol... upsetting me?.....yes I am rolling on the floor in awe, disbelief and amazement ! ...don't apologize!

We now have Mark writing revisionist history, saying I started name calling first, and I am still calling you a feminist ...Lol...Ok Mark, prove it, the thread is still there. If what you say is true you shoud be able to post the place where I called siylii a name and I should not be able to post a place ahead of it where she called me a name....right?....have at it! Mark, this is your chance to be a man or a mouse...hoping you do the right thing.

Siylii, you never gave me the impression you were prejudiced against older white people. I don't believe for a second you really thought I believed that. I addressed a post of yours, which you should be about as much as me. I will ask you for the second time : Why aren't you about it also? The answer is pride, plain and simple. If you are mature you will consider the answer seriously.

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still rankled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 11:11 PM

I am not one who wants to mock a person or poke fun at them when they are disillusioned. I am sorry if you see my trying to treat you with respect as an issue of pride. You have only made yourself look a terrible fool.

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still rankled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 11:28 PM

I don't have to go very far, because you said basically the same thing in your last post.

"However if you and I had the same discussion, in a few posts you would have me labeled as a wife beating dictator calling you a bra burning feminist. Ok, I did exaggerate for effect, but I hope you see the point."

"However I can see from your posts you have embraced a certain amount of feminism."

I can concede that wasn't a direct insult, because you're probably going to say that...but that's like saying "you're kind of a racist", or "I think you're a little bit like a nazi, but don't take that the wrong way". And it was just from an "impression", so I think you jumped the gun on that a bit.'s just not a good idea to assume everyone is at the same place/confidence in their walk to the point that's it's ok to assume they'll find everything funny. I think you're displaying a little more pride if you look closely, #1 because you've stated things as fact that aren't true just based on your own assumptions, #2 Because you're holding your ability to be "cool" with everything and basically ridiculing everyone that doesn't have your patience/confidence/sense of humor. Everyone is not the same, and it's not very safe to just play around all the time, especially since you don't advertise your lightheartedness after apparently insulting someone.

Everybody has pride to some degree. I think you showed yours when you "jumped the gun" at a perceived attack and started assuming things.

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still rankled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted : 8 Jan, 2011 11:31 PM

Oops...forgot! :peace::peace:

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still rankled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted : 9 Jan, 2011 09:13 AM


You shared :

"I am not one who wants to mock a person or poke fun at them when they are disillusioned.

*ts,...Well I am, in hope that it will bring them to the truth, that the disillusioned will see. The following two sentences you shared, will be a good example of poking fun at a disillusioned post :

" I am sorry if you see my trying to treat you with respect as an issue of pride. You have only made yourself look a terrible fool."

*ts....These two oxymoronic sentences here, one followed by another betray your!

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