Author Thread: Jesus vs. Santa Claus

Jesus vs. Santa Claus
Posted : 14 Dec, 2010 09:43 PM

Nowadays we are not supposed to spank our children. We are supposed to raise our kids in a way that let�s them know that they are being heard and that their opinions matter. Kids are even being sexualized more and more and doing �grown up� things, like dating and dressing/behaving seductively, younger and younger. But even though kids are being allowed these �advancements�, thousands, maybe millions of parents indulge their children with fantasies of an imaginary man named Santa Claus every year.

What do the people of the CDFF forums think about Santa Claus, and parents who create the fantasy of Santa Claus for their children? Is he an idol? Is it right to mislead children this way? Or is it cute, innocent fun?


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Jesus vs. Santa Claus
Posted : 18 Dec, 2010 11:23 AM

When I was young and figured out Santa wasn't real (see above post) shortly after that we were learning about David and Golith in the Bible and I still remember thinking,"Yeah right...Giants?...I'm not buying it" it wasn't till 20 years later when I studied the Nephlim did I believe the story....what a relief ; the Bible was true again!

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Jesus vs. Santa Claus
Posted : 18 Dec, 2010 03:16 PM

Santa Claus and fairy tales are both made up, but Santa Claus is different in that people will actively TELL children that he EXISTS as a real person that does things. Even strangers play along and constantly say things that suggest there is a real person that really does these things. �Are you being good because Santa is coming?� �If you�re naughty, Santa won�t bring you any presents.�

Which brings me to another point: yes, Santa Claus teaches children to be good. But Christmas is about Jesus, and he gave his gift to us even though WE were naughty. To teach children that things like that are conditional can be damaging. I have older friends who have children, and last year the oldest, then six, asked her mom, �If we aren�t good, does that mean you aren�t going to give us presents?� To which her mom responded with the story of Christ�s life and how he gave us the ultimate gift when we deserved it the least, and how Christmas is his holiday for us to honor him. Christmas isn�t something children earn, it is something their parents do for them out of love.

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Jesus vs. Santa Claus
Posted : 18 Dec, 2010 03:18 PM

Let me put this out to you all:

"If you could do away with the Santa Claus story...never happened...will never be heard again...would you?

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Jesus vs. Santa Claus
Posted : 18 Dec, 2010 04:17 PM

I'm not sure where you're going with your last post, Arch. I think the discussion is about: "Is there a difference between telling a child a story, and telling a child that the story is reality when it isn't?"


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Jesus vs. Santa Claus
Posted : 18 Dec, 2010 04:18 PM

But to answer your question, no I wouldn't "get rid of it". I also wouldn't tell children that it's real....because it isn't.


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Jesus vs. Santa Claus
Posted : 18 Dec, 2010 11:04 PM

I don't think that any adult is going to tell a child that "Santa is real" in the way you mean it to sound.

A three year old is not going to question whether Santa is real or not. The point is why from the "git go"...make it a point to explain Real and Fable to a child that young? Allow the little one to make up their own mind (which they will eventually).

These thought processes in the mind of a young child is like doing Research and Development. It is thinking about things like this that allows that child to play with the Abstract and the Concrete. When that child asks for the Truth...Don't Lie To Him...tell him the Truth, just point out how neat and wonderful it was to be able to "believe" in someone like Santa.

Before anyone brings out the torches...let me say that he also needs to learn about Jesus and what this Christmas celebration is really about.

I hope that I have made myself clear about what I am trying to say.

A child learns how to "expand" his mind and how to use as much of his mind as possible by thinking about things like fantasy and science fiction and fables and metaphors...

Linear Thinking leads to Robotic "Follow the leader" adults. (with small minds)

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Jesus vs. Santa Claus
Posted : 19 Dec, 2010 12:18 AM

Yes, I would excommunicate Santa from Christmas in a heart beat!

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Jesus vs. Santa Claus
Posted : 19 Dec, 2010 07:43 AM

So would I!

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Jesus vs. Santa Claus
Posted : 19 Dec, 2010 08:24 AM

Me too ! My kids will know from the get-go they don't have to worry about being good because if they don't this big fat white haired man in a red suit will put them on his naughty list. Jesus is the only One who sees all, and if they aren't perfect year round, they will still have gifts under the tree.

Santa is just a Lie made up by some-one with a Big Mind who thought Jesus wasn't enough Reason to celebrate the Joy of giving !

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Jesus vs. Santa Claus
Posted : 19 Dec, 2010 12:12 PM

Arch, you wrote:

"Do you really believe that Jesus disapproves of a �mythical� man that brings joy and happiness to children and that Jesus considers him EVIL?"

YES I believe that Jesus disapproves! We have a season of the year set aside to celebrate the wondrous birth of our Savior, and the world is shoving that aside, replacing it with generic commercialism. Where in the world did we get Santa, reindeer, jingle bells, etc. from the holy meaning of Christmas? I can tell you that I am filled with more wonder and awe at that blessed event even now - than Santa ever could have had. Your words don't offend me, but all the worldly hype does, and I believe it offends Christ, to share His glory with another.

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