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Author Thread: control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?

control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 8 Jul, 2012 03:12 PM

so I get this wink by a very beautiful women and I send her back this message.....

yea are gorgeous,what do you want with an old fat head like me?

and this is the meswsage she sends back to me....

Hmm I don't like the attitude, not very positive. Sorry to bother you.

No need to reply. I think we had a brief contact once before and it was similar. I should have learned the first time.


Ok,first of all I have quite a sarcastic.but harmless sense of humor.So from my response to her do you see that she haqs jumped to conclusions or maybe I'm sending out some weird voodoo? which would really be a joke to anyone who knows me!I'm a playful guy whoies usually .For sopme reason I justreally feal this lady is playing games here and maybe I shoiuld just report her?

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 13 Jul, 2012 04:48 AM

are we still beating this dead horse?

I hear crickets!

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 13 Jul, 2012 05:43 PM

You are ok dude, when the right one comes along, she'll get who you are and love you for it..These sites are impossibly hard to navigate emotionally. life is too short . Have fun and safe travelling mercies on your bike..:applause:

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 13 Jul, 2012 05:46 PM

You are on 96 peoples favs! those 96 obviously think you are "favorite worthy" LOL. good for you dude!:dancingp:

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 13 Jul, 2012 07:11 PM

I know,just havin some fun with the youngins,they play so seriously!

I got bigger fish to fry ;}

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 14 Jul, 2012 05:51 AM

Well, when you start a thread on a message board, you open it up for people to discuss it. The fact that YOU want the conversation to be over doesn't mean it will be. Personally, I don't think the horse was dead - though your M. O. seems to be to throw out badly-worded insults at people to try and shut them up.

It is not weird, or strange, or unreasonable for people to continue a conversation just because you don't like the direction it is going.

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 14 Jul, 2012 06:27 AM know I've read quite a few of your messages throughout the boards here and it seams this is your M.O..To antagonize!You have a very condecending attitude towards most people.Continue the conversation all you wish,as if anyone could stop you,you're too proud for that!Good day young lady,I hope you find the whipping boy you';re looking for.

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 14 Jul, 2012 06:31 AM

and it's not that I don't like the conversation...I don't like you! Ba bye!

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 14 Jul, 2012 07:18 AM


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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 14 Jul, 2012 07:19 AM

Also, yes, I know you don't like me. I don't care, but on the other hand I also take it as a compliment. Your posts also show you don't like yourself very much either, which is unfortunate.


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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 15 Jul, 2012 04:28 PM

LOL! I have read most of this post from beginning to the end. I think what it is and what the misunderstanding is, is that in typing things which I believe has been a misunderstanding to the multitude of internet communications..... your tone nor your attitude can be heard so it can be taken wrong. To me, from why you posted this, it looks like you were just trying to send a funny flirtation out there expecting to get a funny flirtation sent back, but instead, you got a reply from someone who seems to have some walls up and don't understand your personality and they don't see your demeanor, your tone, nor your motive in your statement. Now in what I have just written probably will be misunderstood as well. LOL!

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