Author Thread: Divorce and Remarriage

Divorce and Remarriage
Posted : 20 Aug, 2011 03:43 AM

This is in response to those of you who state that you categorically will not date/marry someone who has been divorced.

In about 100 years time (and forward!) we can discuss this face to face with love for one another, both of us with a much wiser understanding and I know that not everything is clear cut this side of the pearly gates (including a person's heart, fear and motivation)! None of us will be married then (even the ones happily married now!), but we shall ALL be His Bride! My question is concerning this stance while we are still here on earth (when we marry mere mortals)...

While I do not dismiss your right to ANY preference you wish, I note that often your stance is followed by a statement about 'a faith not tested cannot be trusted' and believing in 'the school of hard knocks'. May I put forth to you that SOME people who are divorced have lived this exactly! For some, divorce is for impatient and selfish reasons, true, but that is not a blanket truth about everyone who is divorced.

For instance, I married a man who was in training for the ministry. He quit within a month after we got married (I was 20) and over the next 8 years had 12 affairs and slept with two hookers. He was verbally and physically abusive and snubbed our daughter to the point of affecting her own spiritual view of our Heavenly Father. I have since then raised her on my own, teaching her to trust in God for everything including peace and happiness. I was a virgin when I got married and I have not slept with another man in all these years.

I don't believe that God has dismissed me because I divorced. I don't believe that He has said, "You can lie, steal, murder, gossip, be a drunk, sleep with someone outside of marriage, choose the world instead of Me and I will forgive you and give you a second chance,... but divorce and - though I will let you into heaven at the end of your natural life - you will be a living example all your days to everyone and I will despise you!"

He has blessed me in SO many ways since that painful and degrading period of my life... how could that even possibly be true? He LOVES me!! He has called me His Bride!! :yay:

I know not all stories of divorce are the same, but it is not the unforgivable sin. I'm just saying that God can redeem anyone. Please don't dismiss someone because of something they graduated from in the school of hard knocks! Glorify God together with them, as your Brother or Sister! He has taken that which was discarded and redeemed it for His kingdom!

Hallelujah!! What an awesome God!!

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Divorce and Remarriage
Posted : 21 May, 2012 08:26 PM

Right on sister! Divorce isn't a sin adultery is! ! adultery frees the innocent party from the marriage. However only the innocent party can remarry such as yourself. The adulterer has to stay single and sexually chaste to prove their repentance or return if the innocent party will have them back. However they are by no means required to take them back. Its willful ongoing adulterers who won't be in the kingdom. Also when adulterers remarry they make the one they marry an adulterer and compound their sin into being chronic. The devil loves for people to assume and just do as they please cause he knows that the father says adulterers are his enemies James 5 vs 5 and they won't be in the kingdom unless they repent! YOU ARE A PROVERBS 31 woman and don't let anyone tell you different ! You have brought messiah great glory by your life and your testimony about your marriage. You were delivered from him - so you would bear fruit to Yahweh and his son yahushuah! He knew better but did it anyway=hebrews 10 vs 26 is scarey for him unless he repents scripturally! Shalom sister!

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Divorce and Remarriage
Posted : 21 May, 2012 08:56 PM

I like your synopsis and views. One thing I want to point out the scripture: There is now no condemnation for those who are in christ Jesus - (is incomplete ) the rest = who walk not according to the flesh but according to the spirit. Divorce isn't sin adultery is. Two married believers can separate but they must live single and sexually chaste or rewconcile and thats what Paul said was messiah's command. Adultery was and is a capital crime! It can only be forgiven if truly repented of- that means stopped. The adulterer wont be in the kingdom=Rev 21 vs 8. To repent they must stay single and sexually chaste and thats what messiah meant to the woman caught in adultery. Go and sin no more meant return to your husband if the husband would or continue to live holy. Yahushuah couldnt make a full judgement because it was a setup by the pharisees. Levicticus 22vs22 says the man and woman in adultery are to be brought forward yet only the woman was. Messiah knew their trick and he wrote a new commandment he that is without sin cast the first stone. (probably what he wrote on the groud just like his finger did on stone tablets for Moses. Adultery was hardly ever committed in Israel because they would be stoned or shunned! Hebrews 10 vs 26 warns of a more severe punishment than stoning= a firey judgement=hell? Thats why we have to be careful on what we advise. we can't tell people they can remarry when the Father says they can't! King David would have been stoned but he was king! He had Bathsheba's husband killed and only why he was allowed to stay that way. Romans 7 vs 2 and 1 corrinthians 7 vs 39 says a wife is bound by her hausband as long as her husband lives. Yet if he does adultery she's free or if he dies. Same for the man. The willful adulterer cant remaary only the innocent party can. The guilty got as spiritual death sentance and would have to stay single and chaste and prove their repentance to Yahweh not confess and then go do as they want. I'm not sure what you mean on some of your points for they seem open ended? Stating what I state here for clarity.

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Divorce and Remarriage
Posted : 21 May, 2012 09:08 PM

Sadly that pastor was full of ignorance of the word and pride! When your ex committed 1 sexual sin you were free to remarry another believer. Yet he as an adulterer with seducing these children and I would even say probably others too.He is the one who can't remarry he has to stay single or chaste to be forgiven he forfeited his right to have sex and be married! He won't be in the kingdom unless he repents and stays chaste! He cant remarry or that would even be adultery too. Only you can! You are a beautiful woman of Yahweh and a proverbs 31 woman and your husband is a liar too for saying otherwise. Let him have the tortured conscience you let yours be in peace and know that you did as commanded by messiah and brought him great glory! Bless you beautiful sister! Shalom

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