Author Thread: Burning the Koran

Burning the Koran
Posted : 1 Apr, 2011 08:37 PM

What do you feel about the Pastor who burnt the Koran? Do you think he was right for what he did, or do you think he went to far?

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 22 Apr, 2011 05:15 AM

Thanks TOny.

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 22 Apr, 2011 05:17 AM

Wiseguy, I've seen that passage before, but I have never seen that verse before. Thanks for bringing it up.

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 30 Apr, 2011 04:36 PM

I think that the pastor Succeeded in demonstrating how evil the Christian Church is by Burning the Koran. I think he set back progress in Christianity by masking Christians look just as violent as the Muslims are today. By burning the Koran ,any people are going to say see I told you so... Christians are no different than the Muslims. Christians are just as violent. So yes what the pastor did by burning the Koran was very wrong and has set back progress in spreading the Gospel. To those people. It also makes him look just like Hitler who massacred the Jews and burned books. I have read both the Bible and the Koran and believe the Bible is more benevolent. I have met many Muslims who know that the Koran is an evil document. Many exmuslims Know that the Koran is evil and that the Bible is the living word of God. They know that Burning the Koran sends the wrong message. I think that what we should do instead is create a Document that has both the bible and the Koran in it. The book can help by cross referencing between the Bible and the Koran. I have called the Book the Bibran. It will also allow people to sort out what system of beliefs are correct. We should not fear this kind of thing. Because the Truth always shall prevail and set your free.

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 30 Apr, 2011 08:35 PM

May I ask what you feel your truth is?

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 2 May, 2011 10:55 PM

Create a Document with both the Bible and Koran? How can the LIVING WORD even be compared to dead words? Only reason a Christian should check out a Koran ought to be for the purpose of seeing how the enemy works. And learn more about the awful lies he's telling people through written words. (my opinion)

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 3 May, 2011 06:44 AM

Browneyed and chevy I agree with you

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 3 May, 2011 09:01 AM

If inciting a riot is what God's purpose is then he did the right thing, think. Think about it

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 3 May, 2011 09:03 AM

He wouldn't burn it

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 17 May, 2011 12:51 PM

The Bible, The Holy Spirit and, Jesus Christ is the truth. As a Christian I once felt compelled to enter a Mosque and Pray in it. I was in Denver Colorado then and I politely asked the religious leaders there to let me pray for their safety and protection. I believed that this demonstrated the benevolent personality of Jesus Christ. The agreed and I prayed over the Mosque while they observed. After words God gave me a word of Knowledge that their Mosque had been attacked by radicals. When I told them about it they said yes a group of people burned a car out front of the Mosque. Only love can spread the Gospel. The love of Jesus Christ. A couple of years ago a man that God brought to me who was a Muslim from Northern Pakistan read both the Koran and the Bible side by side. He picked it apart and compared and contrasted the Bible and the Koran until he finally realized that the Bible was the word of God and that the Koran was written by satan. He made a mile stone of a jump and asked Jesus Christ to come into his life and became a Christian. As the result his wife turned him in to Alquaeda and his brother was beheaded, his sister was burned to death, and his second sister's iv was poisoned while she was in the Hospital from stress. But the point is that he needed to compare and contrast the two documents in detail to make his decision. I think that Muslims just need an easier way to compare and contrast the Bible and the Koran. To me the Bible is obviously the World of God. But from a Muslim point of view it can be very confusing and daunting to sort things out. Burning a book never solved anything and seems to instill violence.

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 17 May, 2011 06:03 PM

Burning it was an exercise in futility. You discredit your words when your actions are no better than those you rally against. I don't care about the quran;its not holy to me. And I have no problems with burning it. But WHY? Those who believe still believe. You aren't winning over the hearts of non-believers, not in the right way. That doesn't leave much for a reason. Shock value? Is this Howard Stern? 2, I agree with you. I lose my "cool" when I see people burn my flag, or my Lords book. Its a very touchy subject. But I also know that when we MERCd bin laden, I saw college kids that wouldn't have the gutts to do a mans job out in the streets partying like the radical muslims I see on Al Jazeera. The military should celebrate, but only so much. We did what had to be done, and that's all. Move on. Point is, because the "enemy" is doing it, should we?

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