Author Thread: Debate ?

Debate ?
Posted : 26 Jan, 2011 07:22 AM

What's the difference between a debate and an argument?

What's the difference between a heated debate and an argument?

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Debate ?
Posted : 27 Jan, 2011 08:31 AM

Okay,Dg, that one nearly gave me a shark attack; but I can't debate it right now. I have bigger fish to fry.:ROFL:

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Debate ?
Posted : 27 Jan, 2011 09:35 AM

In one bite you would be gone.

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Debate ?
Posted : 27 Jan, 2011 10:07 AM

Don't be a bulldogging, or you might end up basking on the black tip reef.

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Debate ?
Posted : 27 Jan, 2011 10:26 AM

You fish fryers are perchin me right up!

Saved, did you write that? You should be writing for money, too!

Okay, since you all like to clownfish around...I'm going to start a 7 word story for you rawfish writers. This is something the writers at eHow did often to relax and get some good laughs that we all know are good medicine. :applause: :laugh:

Hope to see all the fun responses!

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Debate ?
Posted : 27 Jan, 2011 01:20 PM


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Debate ?
Posted : 27 Jan, 2011 01:28 PM


Com'on I know you are a riverofish, and a spiritual lady who walks in the steps of Jesus multiplying fishes and loaves. You remember what happened to Jonah! So quit being as slippery as a fish and cast your bread on the waters and be a fisher of men!

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Debate ?
Posted : 28 Jan, 2011 03:34 PM

Tuna-ing in just for the halibut. :ROFL:

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Debate ?
Posted : 31 Jan, 2011 01:57 PM

it's all chum to me, chums!

but seriously folks, RESPECT is the difference between an argument or debate.

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