Author Thread: Racism or Generalization?

Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 4 Jan, 2011 10:31 AM

I was surprised to see that there are a lot of wonderful christian men out here! But sadly, I've read many profiles of men who doesn't want to meet women from my country (the Philippines), and some doesn't want women from Southeast Asia and Africa. What shocked me the most is that some of these men testify that they are true christians who are active in church, and some are even ministers. Wow! it's really hurtful and insulting. Come to think of it.. is this what the Bible taught us? is this what Jesus will do? is this what we learned from church? If we christians cannot love everyone as they are, how can we truthfully and whole heartedly tell the world about Jesus? I understand that this is a dating site and some concerns fill our minds. But seriously, if u are just looking for friends, why apply racism or generalization? This is not how TRUE CHRISTIANS think! I really hope that everyone will comprehend that not all Filipinas, not all women from Southeast Asia and Africa are 'Gold-Diggers'. I'm speaking out loud for all the women of those countries that are being looked down upon, we are not to be judged by where we come from nor by the color of our skin!

:stop: One fact that every man should know - wherever you are, you are surrounded by women who are users. They are everywhere, and, yes, even in first world countries. If you were used by a Filipina for money, probably married you only for the visa, I'm sorry for what happened but u should come to realize that that's an isolated case. NOT ALL women from the Philippines have that intentions.

:prayingm: Don't get me wrong, I completely understand guys who want women from within their radar and that each and everyone has his own preferences. But those guys who put comments like "i don't want to meet women from the Philippines because i don't want drama, i don't want someone to beg me for money, i won't petition anyone, NO Gold-diggers!" This message is for you, I hope you take the time to read the verses below and I pray to God that He'll instill realizations in you.

James 4:11-12 ESV

Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge. There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?

Galatians 5:14 ESV

For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: �You shall love your neighbor as yourself.�

God Bless!

:angel: :angel: :angel:

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 5 Jan, 2011 05:21 AM

To: Shawn,you said that you wo'nt respond to girls that from that country.I believe that you meant girls outside the U.S in general,but how would you know that the who's genuine that's not a scammer here (CDFF) from the U.S as well?I mean,you just can't tell you know.Most people sounds nice when you've first met them,but getting to know them better,you'll soon see who they truly are in time.

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 5 Jan, 2011 05:29 AM


Thanks a lot! I get ur point of view, looks like we're on the same page. Ok I won't worry, I won't fret. :dancingp: But I hope all those guys will read this message..

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 5 Jan, 2011 05:31 AM

To:Ria,my aplogies.I di'nt read your reply to everyone.Smiles goes out to you, Mercy May& Jesus Loves You & Me!!!!!!!:glow::glow::glow::glow::glow::glow::glow::glow::glow::glow::glow::glow::glow::glow:You're ALL SPECIAL IN The LORDS' SIGHT!!!! :applause::applause::angel:

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 5 Jan, 2011 05:37 AM

You're welcome.What i was referring to was your reply to Silverfiire before,but when i had written the above,you've already made one yourself.Do'nt worry,I think they've got your message all right,if they read the forums though.:laugh:

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 5 Jan, 2011 05:43 AM


i see.. hahaha! Maybe i should post it as a headline? :ROFL:

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 5 Jan, 2011 06:11 AM

To: Ria,:ROFL:

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 5 Jan, 2011 07:45 AM

Wow, I am concerned for the world and mankind. Racism and generalization is just as thick as it has always been. We seem to not have learned anything from our past mistakes the world made. I am 100% all american man, but I love women as they are, a woman. My only problem is actually finding the right woman. Just like any relationship, you have to put in time to see if it will work, wether they are 1000 miles away, or around the block. It won't matter if you are ture to Christian values or at at bare minimum a respectful man, learning the woman properly will go a long way.

Matt 7:2-5 "For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged [if we judge with an evil heart or dark intent, His judgment of us will reflect it; if we judge nobly with honesty and justice, His judgment of us will reflect that, too], and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you [if we use extremes or exaggerations or other ignoble means, our judgment will reflect it and judging with fairness and compassion will garner likewise in His judgment of us].

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 5 Jan, 2011 08:37 AM


Thanks! I'm happy to know that there are actually people who still care about these issues.. really nice to hear from u! Well, all I can do is hope that they may see the world in our own perspective. I wish there are more guys like u here! Best wishes! Hope u find her! :yay:

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 5 Jan, 2011 08:58 AM

MrWiseGuy: to answer your question, I am willing to communicate with women outside the US, that is why I have not blocked communications from outside the US. Most of the scammers are easy to figure out. I won't go into detail so as not to give them ideas, but it is easy. The ones who are not scammers, but just want to come to the US, well that is more difficult. That is generally why I will communicate with someone based on the economics of the country ie UK, Germany, Japan, Korea. If it is a wealthy nation it is far less likely they are looking for a way to the US. Yes there is still risk, but it is reduced, and so I am willing to at least start the communication process and see where it goes.

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Racism or Generalization?
Posted : 5 Jan, 2011 09:10 AM


Participating in the forums, in my opinion goes a long way toward building trust. After time it is easier for someone to see your character and be willing to communicate. So my compliments to you.

If I may, a few questions for you?

On any given week I will received 10-20 communications from the Philipines. And with the exception of a couple of variables, the profiles are generally all alike. How am I supposed to sort through them? More of a rhetorical question, but do you see my point?

I have actually communicated with some before, I had one that was begging me to send her photos. The only thing I can come up with is that they were wanting to create a fake profile using my photos. I have a friend who has communicated with Philipinas before and very often and very quickly they were asking for money. I have received quite a few communications from women half my age, sorry, I don't think that will work. With experiences like this, how do you suggest I trust all the communications I get?

More importantly how do you suggest men respond to women from the PI? What is wrong with men being honest and saying they don't want to deal with the expense of that long distance, or they don't want to take the risk based on so many bad experiences?

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